The commonly-used name Menes derives from Manetho, an Egyptian historian and priest who lived during the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Left: Bas relief showing blond-haired Queen Hetop-Heres II, daughter of King Cheops of the early Fourth Dynasty. Every attempt was made to delete the druids from history, in particular by the Romans, as they furiously destroyed the libraries, schools, and temples of the ancient world, including the great library of Alexandra. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Web. Brewer writes: These written accounts of Menes' accomplishments, however, date thousands of years after his death, by which time he had been transformed into a cult hero whose life and accomplishments were embellished with semi-mythical anecdotes (126). Start your Independent Premium subscription today. This truly bizarre explanation was championed when archaeologists still believed that Ireland was completely frozen over until around 10,000 years ago, a view that has been discredited by modern science. The central underground room at Newgrange is built so that as the sun rises around the time of the winter solstice it illuminates the whole chamber through what is called a roof box. Very fascinating, and I hope more great minds turn their attention to this corner of the world in an attempt to find our lost heritage. Stone Age man was a lot more mobile than he has been given credit for. Another name for this land in Egyptian texts was Urani, which is etymologically very close to Erin, the ancient name for Ireland. ( Public Domain ). Then by the early New Kingdom, the pronunciation change to be ma'ne. 5. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. Ogham writing has also been found at several sites across North America. The ancient Irish Gaelic language is the missing mother tongue that scholars have sought for centuries. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. The copyright holder has published this content under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. King Narmer Palette 4. Pharaoh Menes' death after an anaphylactic reaction--the end of a myth Pharaoh Menes' death after an anaphylactic reaction--the end of a myth Pharaoh Menes' death after an anaphylactic reaction--the end of a myth Pharaoh Menes' death after an anaphylactic reaction--the end of a myth Allergy. Menes came from the city of Hierkonpolis (though it is also claimed he came from Thinis) and conquered the neighboring cities of Upper Egypt, Thinis and Naqada, before embarking on the campaign to subdue lower Egypt. the Mid-Atlantic ridge would have likely been above water if the Behring land bridge was also above water due to their respective levels below sea. The word Atlantis literally means The Island of Atlas. Old Irish is this language, a forgotten ancient tongue with remarkable similarities to the worlds oldest languages including Hebrew, Arabic, and Sanskrit. I had separately considered the idea of Ireland as Atlantis but not seriously, but this article makes me think again. The Narmer Palette clearly depicts this king subduing Lower Egypt by force; though whether the inscriptions on the palette should be read as history or symbollically continues to be debated. The first pharaoh of the first dynasty of Egypt - and founder of the great city of Memphis - King Menes, is buried in Northern Ireland. There are submerged Bronze Age sites off the coast of Ireland (and also around the Scilly Isles where prehistoric field walls can be seen running into the sea). Even so, he most likely led military expeditions through lower Egypt to put down rebellions and, as with the Menes' legend, crossed the frontiers and expanded his territory into Canaan and Nubia. [10][26] Herodotus contradicts Manetho in stating that Menes founded the city of Memphis as his capital[30] after diverting the course of the Nile through the construction of a levee. In 3150 B.C, he was able to unify both upper and lower Egypt as shown on the legendary Narmer Palette. She was known as. Aside from the Turin Papyrus, much of what we know about Menes came from historians starting around 500 BCE.And much of what was written about Menes bordered on slight exaggeration and legend. That contributed to the idea that there was an elite who directed the building of the mounds. Edwards (1971) suggests, may have been coined as "a mere descriptive epithet denoting a semi-legendary hero [] whose name had been lost". She marries Goidel's Father Niul, son of Fnius Farsaid (identified as a son of Gomer) a Babylonian who traveled to Scythia after the collapse of the Tower of Babel. In earlier Egyptian lore he was called Ohe and Mena, "The Fighter," and then was referred to as "The Established." But the technology and the societies that used it developed over time. Help us and translate this definition into another language! In Irish, boreadach means noble chieftain. On any day, when you go into the chamber, its a sort of numinous space, its a liminal space, a place that inspires a sort of awe, Bradley says. Of course I'm aware that the 7 Continents appear to me like broken pieces of a jigsaw puzzle I just saw it as the Flood caused it I'm right about the Flood I still have to figure out the timeline of Atlantis birth and destruction again during the Great Flood or after the Great Flood. He certainly is responsible for the buildings dated to his time which, like all those that followed, expressed the religious beliefs of the Egyptians through their architecture. No other place on Earth has the ancient history, mythology, or culture of Ireland. pharaoh menes irelandbasque piperade recipe. His name means " The One Who Endures " and his reign lasted for 62 years. We want people all over the world to learn about history. Very exciting and as laid out by the team, everything points to Ireland.. My own personal thoughts are that you can't write off Scotlands involvment as part of this Mother culture.. Brewer writes: Menes probably never existed, at least as the individual responsible for all the attributed feats. pharaoh, (from Egyptian per aa, "great house"), originally, the royal palace in ancient Egypt. Diodorus Siculus recorded a story of Menes related by the priests of the crocodile god Sobek at Crocodilopolis, in which the pharaoh Menes, attacked by his own dogs while out hunting,[35] fled across Lake Moeris on the back of a crocodile and, in thanks, founded the city of Crocodilopolis. Menes also appears in demotic novels of the Hellenistic period, demonstrating that, even that late, he was regarded as an important figure. Another decade wont make any difference. "Menes." Whether an actual man named Menes existed was irrelevant; what mattered was what his story meant to the people of his country. And yet Newgrange, with its solar alignment, was covered by earth during the Middle Ages. c. 3200-3000 BC; [1] / menez /; Ancient Egyptian: mnj, probably pronounced * /manij/; [6] Ancient Greek: [5]) was a pharaoh of the Early Dynastic Period of ancient Egypt credited by classical tradition with having united Upper and Lower Egypt and as the founder of the First Dynasty. Rather he is most likely a compilation of real-life individuals whose deeds were recorded through oral tradition and identified as the work of a single person, thereby creating a central hero figure for Egypt's unification. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The ancient Egyptians viewed their country as consisting of two distinct parts: Upper Egypt (Shemau) and Lower Egypt (Ta-Mehu). An Inspirational Courtesans Tale, Was Anne of Cleves Too Ugly for King Henry VIII? Stories tell of the founders of Egypt arriving from an island in the Atlantic around 11,900 years ago. c. 3200-3000 BC; /miniz/; Ancient Egyptian: mnj, probably pronounced */manij/; Ancient Greek: ) was a pharaoh of the Early Dynastic Period of ancient Egypt credited by classical tradition with having united Upper and Lower Egypt and as the founder of the First Dynasty. His rule laid a foundation for a dynasty for 200 years. [4] However, Seidlmayer (2004) states that it is "a fairly safe inference" that Menes was Hor-Aha. He initiated large building projects and the small cities of the Predynastic Period of Egypt grew in size and scope. The ancient civilization of Greece is a historical period that has long been a subject of fascination and intrigue. Now, genetic data may help delineate social structures of specific communities, like that in Ireland, so lost in deep time that they have been almost impossible to decipher. Stone circles & megaliths are found all across the world in virtually every country, proving the entire world has a spectacular ancient history that most people are completely ignorant of. The finding, combined with other genetic and archaeological evidence, suggests that the people who built these mounds lived in a hierarchical society with a ruling elite that considered themselves so close to divine that, like the Egyptian pharaohs, they could break the ultimate taboos. Whole chunks of the genome that he inherited from his mother and father, whole chunks of those were just identical, Bradley says. This sacred druid college had an incredible 40,000 students and offered courses in numerous disciplines, including philosophy, literature, grammar, law, medicine, astronomy, and architecture. In 389 AD a druid college in Gaul (Bibracte, France) was destroyed by a Christian mob. It was understood that chaos could come again, however, and so the king needed to be vigilant and, just as importantly, had to be a mighty warrior who could subdue the forces of chaos when the need arose. Perhaps most telling of all is the Nabta Playa stone circle, which is located 804 km (500 miles) south of Cairo, deep in the Nubian desertan area that once enjoyed seasonal rainfall and fertile soil. Arguments have been made with regard to each of these documents in favour of Narmer or Hor-Aha being Menes, but in neither case is the argument conclusive. What exactly happened between them and Indigenous hunter-gatherers is not known, but gradually, judging by modern and ancient DNA, those hunter-gatherers disappeared. Reich is one of the researchers who has documented how these farmers, whose genetic profile is distinct from European hunter-gatherers, gradually settled Europe. In Ireland, more than 5,000 years ago people farmed and raised cattle. An ancient language that does exist is a much more practical explanation for a missing mother tongue than a language that doesnt. [26] However, his name does not appear on extant pieces of the Royal Annals (Cairo Stone and Palermo Stone), which is a now-fragmentary king's list that was carved onto a stela during the Fifth Dynasty. However, I was under the impression that the Roman name Hibernia refered to Scotland and and came from the Latin for 'winter' or 'dark' (as in 'hibernate). Mark, Joshua J.. I think its part of the wave of the future about how ancient DNA will shed light on social structure, which is really one of its most exciting promises, he says, although he had some reservations about evidence that the elite were genetically separate from the common people, a kind of royal family. Like the personalities of the Bible, Menes was part fiction, part truth, and the years have masked the borderline, creating a legend of unification (142). The groundbreaking Atlantis Ireland theory has been put forward by Keystone University , a new and highly ambitious organization based in Dublin. [12] AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And a new analysis of ancient human DNA from Newgrange, the most famous of the mounds in Ireland, suggests that the ancient Irish may have had more than monumental grave markers in common with the pharaohs. For more information, visit [5] Rather than a particular person, the name may conceal collectively the Naqada III rulers: Ka, Scorpion II and Narmer.[5]. Irelands Stone Age constructions are the most spectacular on Earth. This picture was taken in the National Museum of Ireland. The kings of the Early Dynastic Period in Egypt (c. 3150-2613 BCE) and Old Kingdom (c. 2613-2181 BCE) ruled from Memphis, and even when it was not the capital, it remained an important commercial and cultural center. The Irish language is remarkably similar to ancient Hebrew, Chaldean, Arabic and Sanskrit: Lt. General Charles Vallancey, Dictionary of the Language of the Aire Coti (Graisbury and Campbell, 1802). In a broad survey of ancient DNA from bone samples previously collected at Irish burial sites thousands of years old, the researchers also found genetic connections among people interred in other Irish passage tombs, named for their underground chambers or passages. The titan Atlas was a key figure in Greek mythology and is depicted as being the bearer of the heavens. People can attack our findings, our organisation or the very legend of Atlantis itself, but in the end we have over 1,000 pieces of evidence to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that ancient Ireland is the legendary lost island and the mother culture of human civilisation. The main purpose of the Fenians was the creation of an independent Republic of Ireland by means of a secretly prepared armed uprising. [9], Two documents have been put forward as proof either that Narmer was Menes or alternatively Hor-Aha was Menes. Reich says the research has implications beyond the specific findings. (Egyptian King) Narmer was an ancient Egyptian ruler known to be the last king of the Naqada period and the first king of the First Dynasty. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. Sunset at Giants Causeway , Northern Ireland. The ancient Irish annals confirm that an Irish druid called Abhras visited Greece, among other places, on his travels. Corrections? The king's chief titles were 'Lord of the Two Lands' (Neb Tawy) and 'King of Upper and Lower Egypt' (Nesw Bity)The regalia of kingship also reflected the idea of duality. Plato described the sacred island of Atlantis. That the Roman Church undertook a campaign of vicious persecution and destruction against the druids is a well-known historical fact. pharaoh" means "Great House," a reference to the palace where the pharaoh resides. It is not just that it incorporates 200,000 tons of earth and stone, some brought from kilometres away. Wikipedia says the following about this: "The identity of Menes is the subject of ongoing debate, although mainstream consensus identifies Menes with the protodynastic pharaoh Narmer(most likely) or first dynasty Hor-Aha. Menes, also spelled Mena, Meni, or Min, (flourished c. 2925 bce), legendary first king of unified Egypt, who, according to tradition, joined Upper and Lower Egypt in a single centralized monarchy and established ancient Egypt's 1st dynasty. With Egypt now unified the ruler of Thinis, a man named Menes, became the first pharaoh. Perhaps the genetic makeup of the society, which was small in number, changed over a few centuries. Again, more mention of Scota and more mention of real historians being jerks who won't think outside the box. Menes (fl. Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies. All were descriptions of Ireland clouded by mythology, superstition, and a poor knowledge of geography. . His name is known from sources such as Manetho's Chronology (3rd century BCE), The Turin King List, and the Palermo Stone as well as from some scant archaeological evidence such as ivory engravings.
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