with a great flood is consistent with the ancient Sumerian texts account of the Annunaki and even the Judeo-Christian Bible's Old Testament creation stories and . Puma Punku shatters all traditional views on ancient cultures. If the secular world only presented this occasionally, it might not have a wide effect, but we are literally flooded with this idea from different avenues of the media. The pyramids and ziggurats and mounds built around the world are likely examples of man-made mountains, built in rebellion against God, just like what was introduced at the Tower of Babel.21 It is fascinating to study the ancient and recognize the elements of biblical truth that were present, as well as the perversions that were introduced throughout history. The smaller andesite blocks that were used for stone facing and carvings came from quarries within the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 kilometers away from across Lake Titicaca. What baffles scientists, engineers and archaeologists is the precision with which this was achieved. * Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? Puma Punku is just one of several stepped platform constructions that have been excavated at Tiwanaku. In light of this new research and evidence, we can confidently state that ancient peoples had exceptional capabilities in construction, astronomy, and transportation. Temple Puma Punku:Model 3D: C4D.Created Based on The Mirror Neurona.Preview: Iclone 7UV: BlenderVirtual Produccin: Twinmotion 2022.Music: NorNoise Canal You. Survival proved to be more difficult during the onset of the El Nio phenomenon which resulted either in intense rains or droughts. Vranich, A., 1999,Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Curiously, as many other advanced civilizations across the Americas, this culture seems to have dissolved rather abruptly sometime around 1000 AD, and researchers are still seeking answers as to why. But first, let's . As was the case of great cities all over the world, Tiwanaku started out as a simple farming village without a hierarchy among its inhabitants. truth supposedly proven by secular archeology or science or by any discovery past, present, or future. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative civilization off the coasts of both Cuba and Greece.20 This is a very exciting new field of study that will continue to confirm the truth of Scripture. A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry,The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians,Vol. To make flat surfaces with right angles you dont need alien technology, you only need a square or a simple equivalent. It was also a pilgrimage site which drew the people from distant Cochabamba and Moquegua regions who travelled to dedicate sacrifices and celebrate feasts. There are studies that indicate that the Flood was followed by a global Ice Age.17 There are also legends around the world that describe an Ice Age in earths history.18 It is theorized that there was a massive buildup of ice in the polar regions of the world during this time, and this would have lowered the water levels of earths oceans. [24]The New Scientist. stones were used in its construction, Ancient Aliens: "Pumapunku is so unique in the way it was constructed and shaped and positioned that it is the most intriguing ancient site on the planet." AA: "While the pyramids at Giza are an incredible feat of achieved, compared to Pumapunku, the pyramids are child's play." Along with the truth of intelligent ancient man, the biblical account demands the truth of the city of Babel. Building in Egypt; Pharaonic Stone Masonry. Building in Egypt; Pharaonic Stone Masonry, n.d.http://hbar.phys.msu.ru/gorm/ahist/arnold/arnold.htm. The stones have tell-tale drag marks and hoisting holes for ropes, all showing that they were not levitated as Ancient Aliens would have us believe. second century B.C. Forty miles west of La Paz, Bolivia . Copyright Ancient Code. Some of the joins we find at Puma Punku are so well placed, and so precisely locked into place that youwouldntbe able to fit a paper in between them. 9, Great Pyramid of Giza (photo: Wikimedia Commons), Perhaps the most famous ancient [15]Unfinished stones like this one clearly show how they were shaped and it wasnt with lasers. They could create with technology that is still unexplainable. The others include Akapana, Akapana East, Kalasasaya, Putuni, and the Semi-Subterranean Temple. One of them must align with something, This site has been dated using a huge variety of methods. AA: One of the amazing things here at Pumapunku is the precision of the blocks. It is important to note Inca themselves denied building the Tiahuanaco complex which means that the Tiahuanaco culture existed INDEPENDENTLY of the Inca, predating them as well. [25]Once you understand that they had the ability to make strong metal tools in a huge variety of shapes, there is no part of Pumapunkus stone work that would have been too difficult for them. You cant blame him though for it becomes obvious that throughout the series he often just repeats things he has heard in Eric Von Danikens books. built it possessed advanced military Click here to find out more about this unique and fun Bible study tool! Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the Bible The red sandstone was relatively soft and easy to work with, and even though andesite is pretty hard, because of the way it cooled it could be easily flaked off using stones as soft as 5.5 on the Mohs scale. Yea I know far too many Americans who seriously thought the Bible was the first written book. For more detail about ancient technology and the mystery surrounding it, see chapter 6 in Landis. Among the monumental architecture built by the Tiwanaku, whose civilization thrived in what is now Bolivia between 500 and 950 A.D., was a staggering complex known as the Pumapunku.For centuries . While farmers and merchants remained in the lower half of the hierarchy. Editor's Note: This article was written with assistance from the ancient man research team from Jackson Hole Bible College. They had structured cultures and societies that show an appreciation for beauty and order. According to radiocarbon dating results released by anthropology professor . The stones were easily workable with the tools available to the Andean culture tools which we know included high-quality metal-alloyed chisels. No trees ever grew in that area, meaning that no trees were cut down in order to use wooden rollers. TheJournal of the Society of Architectural Historians. Several theories have been proposed as to how this labor force transported the stones, although these theories remain speculative. In addition to somehow transporting massive blocks of stone across great distances, the ancient engineers that built Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco were also adept at developing a civic infrastructure at this complex, constructing functional irrigation systems, hydraulic mechanisms, and waterproof sewage lines. days would occur each year. cut that even robots today would have Some believe that Puma punku couldnt have been built without help from alien beings. Yet the implications of each are profound. For further information on how the fossil record supports biblical authority, see Dr. Andrew Snelling, Order in the Fossil Record, Answers in Genesis. [9][10]This is partly because there is evidence for this all over the site itself. well put together not even a knife blade can fit This is like saying that there is no way that the Egyptians used wood because trees didnt grow in Egypt. Some of these concepts were carried throughout the world by those dispersed from Babel. I noticed that, whenever Puma Punku is being discussed, people often ask whether or not the H-Blocks were designed to interconnect. See presupposition 3 in chapter 2 of Landis. The houses of the elite, as well as the ceremonial centers, were built on the lake and surrounded by a moat. http://www.murciatoday.com/images/articles/13378_la-bastida-totana_1_large.jpg, http://www. Though the massive amount of technical data we have accumulated seems impressive, an honest evaluation of our society today still reveals a barbaric inhumanness. and 1450 B.C., the palace is a It was constructed approximately in AD 536-600, however, many scientists argue that the site is much older. The puma punku site looks as if there was a massive explosion that blew it apart. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Charts and Maps, PO Box 171053, Austin, TX 78717 Puma Punku ("Puma Gate") is a megalithic platform that lies around a kilometre to the south-west of the main complex at Tiwanaku; the zone between has been shown by geophysics to contain numerous structures. Please follow the instructions we emailed you in order to finish subscribing. Man Finds an Ancient Amulet of Thors Hammer in Iceland, Abundant liquid mercury, mica, and pyrite found in tunnels beneath the pyramids, A 60 Ton Sarcophagus Has Been Found at Abydos. http://www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk/metallurgy.htm. So they slightly modified their already existing mythology to include Pumapunku. The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that they fit perfectly into and lock with each other without using mortar. At nearly 14,000 years old, the ruins of Puma Punku are the oldest and most baffling on the face of the Earth. The blocks are cut and shaped so well they fit together perfectly. [31]They even had special places cut into the stones that Pumapunku scholars call hoisting grips.[32]These are all very strange things to do if they could simply levitate these blocks. There are some who acknowledge the evidence of ancient genius, but they hold the rather mystical view that aliens from outer space endowed ancient peoples with their inexplicable knowledge and ability.5 But the ever-growing list of new discoveries reveals that the data best fits the biblical paradigm. site displays one of the greatest examples Ancient mans intelligence is proven by data that is now becoming available to anyone. Proponents of this theory include Richard Dawkins, David Childress, and Robert Bauval. rock, most with less than 1/50 of an The complex is in complete ruins today with huge blocks of granite lying around on top of each other. The andesite stones used in the construction process of this megalithic site were cut with such precision that they fit together perfectly, and are interlocked with each other without the use of mortar. All non-biblical records and legends of the beginning come from oral (or on the island of Crete, the zodiac, and possibly five planets. A Chronology of Prehistoric Metallurgy: A Chronology of Prehistoric Metallurgy:, October 23, 1993. http://www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk/metallurgy.htm. Their architectural skill is still an unsolved mystery. Many of the joints are so precise that not even a razor blade will fit between the stones. This is most likely why many ancient structures have been found largely intact under the earths oceans. This block seems to get the most attention, as there is a perfect groove with identically spaced precision-cut 6mm holes drilled along the cut. Due to their size, the method by which they were transported to Puma punku has been another topic of interest since the temple's discovery. Mankind longs to know things and to discover. The early chapters of Genesis tell us that Adam and Eve were moral beings who could communicate with God and each other, rationalize, name things, and work. Unfortunately, much of the archeological evidence is basically ignored because it does not fit the evolutionary timeline. It, along with the The Bible teaches that God is spirit (John 4:24). Ancient Aliens throws another false dilemma here: AA: What nobody talks about is the irrefutable fact that we are at an altitude of 12,800 feet which means we are above the natural tree line. Many Christians today have unanswered questions about the authority The red sandstone and andesite stones were cut in such a precise way that they fit perfectly into and lock with each other without using mortar. Observational science and history continue to confirm, support, and validate our faith. Unfortunately we will come to expect this kind of thing from Von Daniken as we progress. Puma punku was a terraced earthen mound originally faced with megalithic blocks, each weighing several tens of tons. [12]Dieter Arnold. Internet Explorer is no longer supported. ancient structure in Europe; it In present times, we are again amassing vast amounts of knowledge and data. If you understand a little about the Incan imperial system and religion, you will understand why the Incans didnt claim the site and why they claimed that it had a supernatural origin. the sun was aligned with the main street on Alexander There are records of stone age type living conditions and uncivilized cultures. 44, No. We know the culture which built this monument, and all the iconography and sculptures are consistent with that culture. 21. But this is not true. 146-167. 77-92. When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? Your email address will not be published. Also they make claims like all the H blocks are the same dimensions, which they say suggest they were made by a big machine, but not only would that not be the only conclusion if it were true, its not even true. Do not undermine its authority. ability to construct advanced buildings. around the world. Thus, the characteristics of Babel are reflected in the ancient empires and cultures all around the globe. Unique Circular Format see more in less space. Evolutionary History (Man Is the Authority): If evolution is accurate, then the sequence of life forms transitioning from single-celled organisms to humankind demands simplicity leading to complexity. We think we have reached great heights of technology, but the wisdom of man has led only to an intellectual and moral insanity. jeep3r. Puma Punku is believed to date to around 536AD. The assumption is that since Hammurabi wrote before Moses, then Mosess writings are a copy or revision of this previously written moral code. The moving of the stones was not as difficult as Ancient Aliens makes it seem, especially when you take into account they are telling people that the stones weigh 600 tons more than they actually do. This was made by the gods in one, single night. Usually a king is proud of what his people did, about the precision. The andesite stones used in the construction process of this megalithic site were cut with such precision that they fit together perfectly, and are interlocked with each other without the use of mortar. The precision with which these angles have been utilized to create flush joints is indicative of a highly sophisticated knowledge of stone-cutting and a thorough understanding of descriptive geometry. It is true that if one only goes back to the mid-history of early man, there is evidence of a lack of knowledge and skill (often when pagan religions started bearing their fruit and suppressed such things), but if one jumps over this period to even earlier times, the intelligence is remarkable. Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - The mysterious site known as Puma Punku, "The Gateway of the Puma.". And was later the seat of a socially and politically influential Andean empire. 15:3; Psalm 24:1). Do not doubt its inerrancy. the Olympic games. Researchers agree that the angles utilized to create flush joints are evidence of a highly advanced knowledge of stone-cutting and an advanced understanding of descriptive geometry. Christians have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to the timeline The incredibly precise stones, precision cuts, and polished surfaces have defied explanation for centuries. The blocks were so precisely cut as to suggest the possibility of prefabrication and mass production, technologies far in advance of the Tiwanakus Inca successors hundreds of years later. Many of these ancient structures were built in line with astronomical events such as solstices and equinoxes (this is known as archaeoastronomy). When Adam sinned, God placed a curse on the ground that affected the whole universe, a punishment of death instigating a downward spiral to all of creation, including mans being (Genesis 3; Romans 8). 2023 All Rights Reserved. The hair is meaning you need computing . "Dunning applied logic to the mystery, suggesting that perhaps the Puma Punku . inch between them. [16]And because of that, its hard for me to believe Eric Von Danikens next claim, because it would mean that the alien tool box had a laser gun right next to a stone hammer. The Puma Punku complex, as well as its surrounding temples, the Akapana pyramid, Kalasasaya, Putuni, and Kerikala, functioned as spiritual and ritual centers for the Tiwanaku. Why dont anyone listen to what is said by annunaki before leaving earth they placed plants on either side of a mountain for us to live for a long time but I never hear anyone mention it, Your email address will not be published. However, if God revealed the truth to Moses, then it was the authoritative, original truth. aligned with Orions belt. And then one day, suddenly, the inhabitants of Pumapunku vanished and a great civilization came toppling down. omnipresent Creator and, as such, He is the ultimate authority It is yet Yeager said the Incas held the fallen stone portraits near Puma Punku to be models of the first humans from their creation myth. Photo credit, Source: Wikipedia / Ancient Wisdom / Ancient Origins. vol. In fact, the harder the stone is the better it can be polished using sand. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! If you look at them from above, they're simply squarish enclosures scattered about the area. If they did know how to levitate these stones then they put far too much effort in creating places in the stones to attach ropes to. Some skeptics might question: if ancient man was intelligent and built such amazing, highly developed civilizations, where are they today? an area of 13 acres. This is funny because its totally wrong, the stones are not granite or diorite at Pumapunku, they are Red Sandstone and Andesite[1][2][3], but this is also funny because of the way he says it. The three large stones (made of limestone) are labeled the Trilithon stones, and each weighs 800 tons. For if evolution is true, then the further back one studies into human history, the simpler and less sophisticated man should be (not to mention that nothing ultimately matters in this worldview). How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? possesses a water and drainage system and was built to withstand earthquakes and to use sunlight to brighten rooms deep within the palace.8, La Bastida (http://www.murciatoday.com/images/articles/13378_la-bastida-totana_1_large.jpg), A fortress located in the Agaric For a discussion of philosophical issues of the Bibles truthfulness, see Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge, gen. Required fields are marked *. Your newsletter signup did not work out. He longs for intelligence. Tiwanaku: Ancestors of the Inca. Even if they were pouring pure copper into the mold it would still work, but it would need sharpening often but, because archeologist actually found a few of these metal cramps used by them on site,[21][22]we now know that they were using a very strong copper arsenic nickel alloy,[23] Which made a much stronger final product. The Tiwanaku civilizationwhich Puma Punku belonged toappears to some to have peaked from 700 AD to 1000 AD, by which point the temples and surrounding area may have been home to some 400,000 people. Even with modern-day technology and information, these structures defy logic and confound those who seek to solve the mysteries that lie within them. According to oral legends, the first inhabitants of Puma Punku were unlike ordinary humans and supernatural powers which allowed them to carry megalithic stones through the air with the use of SOUND. [12], Sand, as we will see later when we look at Egypt, has extremely hard particles in it and, if placed between a flat surface and a rock, can polish even the hardest stones known to man. within 3/60 of a degree. He wrote that if the site was closer to town, he didnt think there would have been any stones left at all.[35]. See Michael Oard, Where Does the Ice Age Fit? Answers in Genesis. angles, but that did not detract from the seamless Ancient Egyptian Stoneworking Tools and Methods. Ancient Egyptian Stoneworking Tools and Methods, March 31, 2002.http://www.oocities.org/unforbidden_geology/ancient_egyptian_copper_slabbing_saws.html. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and the Google Around the size of a shoebox, it is The long and short of it is that Posnanskyassumedcelestial alignments andassumedflawless construction and then used his assumptions to prove that his assumptions were correct. Until the effects of the Curse became more severe and their life expectancy dropped dramatically, they were able to pass on their knowledge to the next generations. It was a very convenient idea for bolstering the Incan case for the right to rule everyone else. The huge stones fit together like a giant puzzle and form load-bearing joints without mortar that have endured thousands of years ago. 30 facts you didnt know about Puma Punku, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Nostradamus saw Trump as the anti-christ wholl trigger World War 3. Literally every kind of dating method applied comes to the same conclusion: It was constructed in the early middle ages.[37]. AA: The stones that were used there werent sandstone, theyre granite and diorite.. The amazing stonecutting technology at Puma Punku has hardly gone unnoticed. But how was this possible thousands of years ago? A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry, http://hbar.phys.msu.ru/gorm/ahist/arnold/arnold.htm, http://www.oocities.org/unforbidden_geology/ancient_egyptian_copper_slabbing_saws.html, http://faculty.eas.ualberta.ca/wolfe/eprints/cooke_encyclopedia_chp.pdf. Mustatils in Saudi Arabia: Gates for Animal Sacrifice to Unknown Gods? Not even a sheet of paper can fit between their thousand-year-old stones. The ancient site of Puma Punku is part of an even larger complex that once belonged to the ancient Tiahuanaco culture, which predates the ancient Inca by millennia. They developed raised field agriculture (also known as suka kollus) to adapt to this harsh environment. The city was built to keep man together (Genesis 11:4), directly defying Gods command to fill the earth in Genesis 9:1. AA: Of course [Pumapunku was] made out of stones found on Earth, because you dont transport granite or diorite from another solar system.. [18]The arguments against this are usually either that a particular culture did not yet know how to cast metals, or that copper chisels would have been too weak. are still intact, but it may have once Puma Punku is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. The stones used are also very large and cut at odd existing between 2100 B.C. Without the use of modern power tools or machines, early man constructed large buildings with incredible precision. The Ice Age is not explicitly discussed in the Bible, but there are a few passages that imply there was a cooler climate after the Flood. Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. And their ideas of everyone prior to like the 1700s is that Europe had castles and everyone else were hunter and gathering groups like some North American native tribes. Most of the magnificent structures were built, including the Akapana, Pumapunku, Kalasasaya, and Semi-Subterranean Temple during that time. Yet our modern society believes we are just reaching the height of human Priests were on top of the Tiwanaku hierarchy, and they led the worship of different deities in which the sun god, Viracocha, was the head. had 37.16. [5]Jean Pierre Protzen, Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? 7/8 of an inch out of level and it covers is perhaps the most impressive In conclusion, the stones are not made of Granite and Diorite. Biblical History (God Is the Authority): The first humans were made in Gods image and therefore created very intelligent (Genesis 1:27). You can see with this block of granite that its really been cut at very accurate 90-degree angles.. Von Danikens books are what the Ancient Aliens series is based on. Furthermore, there is no evidence of the wheel in Tiwanakan culture. ; it is one of the Because Christians have become accustomed to merely accepting these things without challenge, they are in danger of rejecting scriptural authority as a whole. Then, as man continued to evolve, he became more intellectual and aware and led us to where we are today: sophisticated 21st-century man. But this does not invalidate the text of the Bible. To control the people. Of course [this was] made out of stones found on Earth, because you dont transport granite or diorite from another solar system. The precision challenges todays engineering abilities. intelligence and capabilities. ancient mans knowledge of the sky.12, Located in Peru, Cuzco was the first Von Daniken continues building up this false dilemma: AA: One of these platforms is 800 tons.. The question is: what about the tools strength? It also tracked the four-year cycle of It directly contradicts the stereotypical view of early barbaric man, dressed in animal skins and searching for the formula for fire. The wooden roller theory falls by the wayside.. [However] we would all have to agree that, in order to build something like Pumapunku, you need writing; you need planning, and you also need some sort of idea where which piece goes and how it ultimately all fits together. Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16). Arsenic acts as a de-oxidant preventing the metal from becoming too brittle[24], and nickel was used in copper alloys specifically to make stronger chisels. When the Incans arrived at Pumapunku the site had already been abandoned for at least 100 years. one of the greatest examples of The level of masonry we find at Puma Punku is just amazing. {{posts[0].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[1].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[2].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, {{posts[3].commentsNum}} {{messages_comments}}, 5 Historical Figures Who Were Assassinated in The Lavatory, Crown Shyness: When Trees Don't Like to Touch Each Other, Malm Whale: The Worlds Only Taxidermied Whale, Jimmy Doolittle And The First Blind Flight, How The Beast Of Gvaudan Terrorized 18th-Century France.
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