Its all really concerning. xm, Darmon Richter, 2011-2023, All rights Reserved. If seen draining without a beer, you are fisted. Natural light filters in from above, reflecting off the stream which follows a recessed path along the central gully. However, the object must be returned within 100 years or it is considered theft. has anyone got any pics of the camberwell drains? & The I was contracted by the 'Australian Water Board' to conduct a secret study into the Group known as the 'Cave Clan'. Rescue time is reduced to 12hrs, if the rescue site is within a 1km radius of any McDonalds car park. Popular keys that any serious Clanolio should have include: The Tork SCA 1100 key in particular is required for a member to advance from a mid-core to an apple-core ranking. Ahh, but that would make me and us iaginary enemies wouldn't it. A recent excavation by Flinders University, however, found only remnants of simple iron and timber shelters connected by a series of tunnels. What was the question?. If youre running out of tunnels to explore though, Melbourne is just amazing. They grew a reputation as courting places for nurses and soldiers but are thought to have been filled in during the 1960s. Sydney Cave Clan. Someone team up with me and go on an adventure! Ive just been back through the article and given it an edit removing any exterior photos that might help to identify the place from outside, as well as deleting a few comments. Hey there, nice shots. Stepping inside the drain at its outflow, the red brick tunnel disappears back beneath the river bank. Upon opening the old school vibe is carried through and dose not disappoint. A Newbie not posting pics every day will be penalised by being labelled soft-core and risks getting further punished. Always check the weather forcast before going into drains. A Google search of these names reveals many photographs of the city's concrete drain network thanks largely to secretive urban explorers, Cave Clan, a movement that started in Melbourne, or the informative website, Awesome Adelaide. When you slip, Swoooooo! When a Water Board drain inspector becomes lost, it is quite common for them to refer to the Compass Clan's location list, or even phone a member to ask for directions. Being Booted refers to a member being involuntarily removed from online communication, and therefore the Clan. It is important to remember this is currently all hearsay however, in the 50s 80s Adelaide was extremely corrupt. 38 METRES. Beneath Melbourne alone, there are more than 150 storm drains and many of them are considerably harder to access than the Chamber. Guru, we have a similar group called the underground mines of Victoria esb 2013 but tent to stay in the mines rather than drains or caves. Done a few drains, I am interested in doing more roof tops though. (Only over-seas award nights partake in actual circle-jerk's). Mark Buttler and Andrew Rule 6 min read It was rebuilt in 1900 with a dual entrance and domed covers for railway platforms, then replaced by the much larger and extravagant railway station of today, opened in 1928. Its all good mate 2 years ago was a different climate- if you get a chance though the history added in makes it still quite easy to find so if you can remove that also would be great! Source, The Adelaide to Melbourne Express crossing railway viaducts at Eden Hills in the Adelaide Hills. Lanor, If you attach bells to a newbie, they can be made into an excellent decoy when escaping from security. Found by the original Adelaide Cave Clan founder Zorga in 1993, Zorgas tomb is a large box culvert drain with lots of great street art. Rachel Vaughn. She is quoted in the video BOMBSHELL BEAUMONT TESTIMONY SET TO SHOCK THE WORLD! as saying at (13:40): In 1981 when I was approximately 8 years old, I was forced to participate in the mutilation of a little blonde boy who looked to me to be around 6 years old. Part of that station was repurposed for the Adelaide Casino, which opened in 1985. Both tunnels were built 600 meters away from each other, one in Eden Hills and another in Panorama. After seeing this I knew there must have been more to this story. This tunnel has been posted up in public too often. She asked if there was anyway he could've gotten out or crawled to a safe spotbut I knew there wasn't," he recalls. With the amount of corruption in SA in the 60-80s anything is possible. A 'Newbie' would do well to remember, that you must be a well known exploerer before you are allowed to buy a torch that is over 600 lumins. Drac, Dsankt, Nivelo, Rogue, Guru, Pizzy, Curly, xm, Jade, Liao, Lanor, Scarecrow, Trainman & The Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney Cave Clan. Lol, you might want to wait for the weather to clear up a bit more before heading down there. The layout-out within, is immediately clear and all the information is easily decipherable., i was wondering if someone would be able to give me exact directions on where or how to get to the entrance of one of these tunnels? It's easy to sit back and pay out on the Clan (especially when you can hide behind the Internet , but unless you're in the situation where there are 100s of people exploring in your group it's hard to compare the difference to just checking out drains with a few friends. You could try URBX (PM Stud69) as I think they had something like 50 Sydney members that explore nearly each and every day and night of the week. Adelaide, But unlike boring standard crypto currency, locations can be lost, or erased from the 'locations list' in order for a second person to find it again and get a second lot of 'Kudos Credits. Check out this site when you get a chance. Thanks I'm from sydney and when I saw the notice I was hoping to see some pics on here. I actually got a welcome email from Ath @ Cave Clan shortly after writing this post. Lets go for a swim. Every few months another journalist will take on a Cave Clan story and some publication will "break" the story once more. Allegedly Allan Maxwell McIntyre was involved with Bevan Spencer von Einem and the Family Murders, being the group body boy and sourcing their victims. These underground drains carry out the canalization of rain water, completely separated from sewer networks. My post was a cut & paste bud. Dripping wax stains on shelves and lintels around the chamber gave an idea how they might look, in use. The typing of so many fools, just piss in the wind. With each year you belong to the Club the amount of rules allowable to break increases, until you become an old-school fool, then you pretty much have to commit murder in order to be booted. I was wondering who would pick it up, and whether Id ever hear from them. I've no doubt there will be hidden spaces and vaults beneath Adelaide's buildings, hotels and even government establishments that I haven't peered into during this investigation. A large wall painting commemorated the unofficial sponsors of the event: Commonwealth Bank, Centrelink, Victoria Police, Melbourne Water and Victoria Bitter. For example: if a Newbie knows of a new location, that Newbie could invite an Old-school member on a sexpo. It wasnt until I left Australia that I would hear back from them but for now at least, it looked like I would be going in solo. ! please email me if you know c:, The Cave Clan are not the original drain explorers.. Extremely inbred. Never trust wooden, rusted, or burnt floors in buildings. A shallow passage disappeared beneath the lights, where the central gully spilled out from an enclosed tunnel. When you do join the C/C you are labelled a Newbie and are now part of Confirmed Clan. Thanks To: On this secret cave thing I know of a small group of troglodytes building a small petra/dmanhur cave temple in undisclosed location (I have been told it is 113.84km bearing 138deg from worlds end). Later, Id even hear stories of projectors being dragged down to this drain, to screen films up on the walls inside. This is the underground version of the river Torrens. Quote from OS visiting explorer: "If i have one more person try & stick a torch up my arse, i'll fuckin loose it", It is a common urbexerer saying: leave only footprints, (they are harder to trace then fingerprints) Take only photos, or any other painting hanging on a wall. If someone actually told you that they were lying. For this reason, every day urbexerers from all over the world travel to Australia, to learn from the Mighty Chamber Clan how to not suck at doing Urbexering. Painted above the lintel at the Chambers yawning entrance, a sign read: CAVE CLAN WELCOMES YOU TO THE CHAMBER. Sometimes these plant rooms are on rooftops, The a4 poster asked for info to the underground entrances & said it was believed to be wards as well as operating theatres below the site. Fatal accidents have been reduced to 1 death per year and serious accidents to 1 every 3 months. He said such overseas sewer networks could be extensive because they combined both wastewater and stormwater but in Adelaide the two are separated. How can I get in contact with this group? A bag in one corner was filled with unused tealight candles. It makes you think the coverup could still be ongoing to protect certain people in high places. Always treat wires like they are live. Its mostly just a lot of research, Your email address will not be published. Im from Adelaide and trust me . This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Not spam, just a site of drain dwellers you may enjoy;id=25; Yeah I take everything Rachel is saying with a grain of salt, since she also claims that a Butcher shop on Cross road is still selling baby meat to satanists to this day. I have come to give you and your imaginary friends a hard time. i would love to come exploring with you guys there is just so many good place to find in adelaide. You are kidding right? org). The Yellow Submarine has had a piece over most of it . Those who recognise it will immediately know of its unique characteristics. I do know of the drains that are mentioned below and found them on my own. You'll get an email eventually, maybe, with an attitude like that you might just been thrown on the 'not worth it' pile. All communication in the Cave Crew is done in on-line forums, which act like a sort of 'base' for sexpos.. I geuss what I'm trying to say is, we don't need you any more, and you are no longer the legends you claim to be. After the war the tunnel was used as a mushroom farm, a venture Dave said eventually cost too much because the mushrooms raised the temperature in the tunnels and therefore required air conditioning. "Some of those date back to 1880 and they were so well constructed that they're probably going to outlast all of us," he said. I successfully infiltrated the group by wearing a full Panda onesie at all times. I emailed them asking why they havent done a report on it and how that looks lol obviously I heard nothing back. Curly, Been looking to hit it for agess, any help would be very much so appreciated. Your email address will not be published. Urbantwilight hid a camera on the roof of a neighbouring bulding and filmed the 4 week demolition process. I first tried to contact the Cave Clan several months ago, through their official website, but had no response. Curly, Timmy also says "Urb ex/draining is for everyone, don't get caught up in their petty wanna be elitist crap". I only just discovered this website when a friend told me about the drains. These rules include: Although first aid kits are shunned. Paris C/C was setup so there is a base of operations near the spiritual home of urbex: The KATAS. A part of this drain holds a big secret, a hidden tunnel that is like stepping back in time to the 1800s, but I wont spoil it for you, Your email address will not be published. Urban exploration (urbex), off-limits, spelunking, drains, derelict buildings & ruins. I believe he said pump faults were regular, I'm trying to get info, maps etc of the underground caverns in Adelaide. such a good read, but also terrifying at the same time. "There's all sorts of stories about women on Kintore Avenue and so forth," the State Library of SA's Mark Gilbert said. In 1919 the viaduct couldnt support the weight of the Heavier locomotives so a third tunnel was built to the east. Hahaha, good stuff. It is a well known true fact, that the blacker the hoodie, the more sneaky the urbexer'er. Its gone down hill over the last year or two. The Julia Farr Home for Incurables Hopefully I'll be proud of it for the rest of my life. I work at Woolies in RundleMall our basement is always flooding even on dry days, so there may be smoething there? The Sleeps Hill tunnels are currently owned by a close relative of Anthony Munroe, who was also a member of the Salvage and Expedition club and a person of interest in the Beaumont Childrens disappearance Rachel Vaughn, Also in the early 1980s I was taken to an Adelaide hills location where (including myself) about 9 other children, as well as about 50 adults were witness to the murder of a baby boy of around 10 Months old. When exploring alone: Leave a trail of Jelly-beans so others can find you. "There was a photo in the Advertiser in the early to mid 1990s of a guy standing in this brick, arched drain, and a friend of mine and I said, 'Hey, let's go meet that guy and see what's down there'," Lite said. It takes 127 kudos's or locations to rise a level. Without their support and assistance many of these photos would not have been possible. When the concrete isnt ringing with the echoes of engines, the still of the underground is punctuated by the regular chirping of crickets and constant dripping water. If a foreign 'Urbexering Mole Person' is present, then the group will do a location. Another important part of Cavern Clan Culture is 'Tagging'. When removing a manhole from beneath if the above location is unknown First use a Stethoscope to listen for cars. Its good of you to remove too much location info from the public eye but if possible a *hint* on location even a suburb would go very appreciated, of course if your hint helps me find it you would get a mention in my tunneling photo blog. The 170-metre and 360-metre Sleeps Hill tunnels at Lynton were originally built as railway tunnels during the 1880s. if not, you do now!!!! Why is he a reliable person for that but never believed about his and Rachels accusations. "That we'd get under your house and come up through your toilet. Only clanners in Australia are considered to be truest members of the Cave Conglomerate. To curb this, addition membership requirements may be added. But this year was the 30th anniversary and we had over 300 people there," Doug says. His employer, South Australia's ambulance service, said his family's grief had been "magnified" by . Bomb shelters and trenches were built across the city throughout World War II, with basic pipe air raid shelters a favourite in places like the Botanic Gardens. like is the entrance monitored by police? And also it is allot cheaper then using mobile phones in Australia. I'd be a little confused if you went from St Peter's Twins through to Eli's Tomb, haha. It is known that the Water Board is extremely jealous of the 'Compass Clan's' location lists because it is a lot more extensive the any official list of underground cavities. Explorationeers from other parts of the world generally refer to themselves as 'Urbexering Mole People', or sometimes 'Thieves'. An urbexiest must never put another urbexer in danger, unless it will be really funny. I was wondering if I could grab the location to the ANZAC drain?? As I finally made to leave the Chamber, I spotted a memorial high on one wall. Apparently there used to be a tunnel going under frome road used for cattle transport and later for WWII / quarantine transport troops but was completely backfilled. The Julia Farr Home for Incurables And for a Mid-school the lowest possible position is soft-core. Internal politics is Syd-Clans main export. I was almost brought to tears when both sites where pulled down afew months back. They're all drains. He said he would give us a week - Friday 12:00. I'm from Bentleigh, and wondering where some of the easiest access areas to the drains are. Yes, it is I, Panic, and my horde of imaginary friends. Checkout the timelapse video. I recall the awards night in the Anzac drain. Drain God's have no use for torches, they simply bathe in the light provided by the newbies. The only way to join the Clan Cave is by solving this mysterious riddle, that is written in almost every drain around the world: Only members of this secretive organisation know the answer. Don't think it can't happen to you. Thanks for the link. "It was more exciting before they discovered it," an ex-Repat worker told me. Where is this underground graffiti? But I do have an issue with waiting ages for a reply, and then replies like this. i found this very intresting area that youd might wanna look at. If you do not work in IT, or like craft beers, then it's probably best that you join another chapter. I'm a photography student, and really interested in the different drain locations + how to go about getting inside. "Back in the 1980s and 90s we had these things called boat chambers, and we've had people do inspections of that trunk main during low flows in the early hours of the morning," he said. I know of people who have gone from the RAH building to the now demolished Advertiser buildings and at places is very deep and wide to the suburb of Prospect which is close to the service. Melbourne and There is evidence of these right across Adelaide, including at the Glenelg Football Oval. Keswick Military Museum archivist Paul Longstaff said he had never heard of such an installation, despite a photograph on the Awesome Adelaide website picturing what it describes as a communication bunker in rural Adelaide. Limited spaces available. The Gates of Doom Tunnel part of Adelaide's underground. Well Beanz sure the Cave Clan may be the legends of the underground, but they can't answer their email for shit. yeh how do u get onto roof tops cause there usually locked and if u can get out most times u cant get back in. They have lots of drain pictures, maps and best of all, an up to date Google Earth file of drains and tunnels all around the world. 29 Comments |. "We certainly haven't sent boats down there for many years now but initially it was designed for that.". Scarecrow, During the early settlement of Adelaide the 'Morialta' tribe was sipposed to have been murdered and their bodies dumped there at Prospect. The Catch Clan offer a 'within 48 hrs rescue service' for such organisations as: 'Australian Water Board', 'Sydney Water' & 'Abu-Dabi Water'. Dsankt, Long live! Lanor, To date the Cave Clan have charted storm drains right across Australia, in addition to natural caves, mines, old fortresses and a wealth of abandoned buildings. Nivelo, Hi guys. The vast majority of the network, however, includes sewer mains that are just 150 millimetres in diameter.