Higher human consumption rates and populations increase the pressure on the environment in every ecological problem area. We support the right of workers, without penalty, to inform other workers on the premises of a union being formed. Legislate full funding for worker safety programs at both the state and federal levels. We advocate an end to employer sanctions, which have been shown to hurt not only undocumented workers but also U.S.-born workers (especially those of color). We must recognize that there cannot be any true solutions to the conflicts created by immigration until we are able to organize globally to overcome the power of multinational corporations, which are engaged in an unending campaign to drive down workers living standards everywhere. To improve our own health, we must improve the quality of our air, water and food and the health of our workplaces, homes and schools. About nine-in-ten Americans (89%) favor preventing people with mental illnesses from purchasing guns. Undocumented immigrants boost Americas economic growth and raise the general productivity of American workers by providing much-needed skills. Our members across the country are demanding that Congress enact sensible gun control legislation that will help safeguard people from mindless mass killings. In ending over fifty years of federal policy guaranteeing cash assistance for poor children, Congress has set in motion a radical experiment that will have a profound impact on the lives of the weakest members of our society. Greens recognize that our own health is also intimately tied to the health of our communities and environment. Roll Call, Mar. Increased public education in transmission prevention which includes funding for the purchase and distribution of condoms, gloves, dams, and needles & syringes. Furthermore, those who think gun laws should be less strict are more likely to contact public officials on the issue (22% have ever done so), compared with those who think gun laws should be stricter (15%) or are about right (10%). Young people are one of the least protected classes of human beings, yet they represent our future. The passage of the 1996 Welfare Act by Congress and its signing by the President confronts us with hard choices. Views on gun policies also vary widely by the types of communities in which people live. We must stop using our tax dollars to subsidize corporate agribusiness and to promote poverty in Latin America, and start using them to help reward environmentally responsible family farmers, encourage improved infrastructure and economic conditions in Latin America, and raise labor standards, at home and abroad. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main It is imperative that employees enjoy workplace democracy, which includes the following: The right to elect representatives to sit equally with management on the Board of Directors. Ban the use of mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer contracts, which companies use to shunt consumers into anti-consumer and unfair dispute resolution processes. Previously, there was a shooting in Las Vegas at Mandalay Bay Hotel killing 58, one of the . We encourage local artists and the community to contribute time, experience, and resources to these efforts. Increase the current pay levels, including monthly combat pay, imminent danger pay and family separation allowances for those risking their lives in combat zones. The U.S. needs a complete overhaul of its immigration laws, procedures, and programs. The right to organize unions, bargain freely and strike when necessary is being destroyed by employers and their representatives in government. Green Party on Crime Party Platform Ban private prisons; moratorium on prison construction Ban private prisons. Prevent homelessness before it occurs by addressing its structural causes, through raising the income floor under the working poor, creating living-wage jobs, providing job training and education that will enable low-wage workers to obtain living-wage jobs, preserving and expanding affordable housing, providing affordable health care, ensuring sufficient mental health care and substance abuse services, availability of healthy food and providing effective, holistic assistance that connects vulnerable individuals with sources of income and essential services. To ensure a livable income for all people, we support additional measures such as implementing a universal basic income [see Chapter IV, Section D, of this platform for more information]. For instance, only about a quarter of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (26%) support allowing people to carry concealed guns in more places, compared with 72% of Republicans and Republican leaners. The matricula consular should be accepted as one means of proving ones identity. Eliminate the gun show loophole that permits sale of weapons without background checks. Contact our webmaster at: [emailprotected], In the wake of the relentless string of mass shootings, the Green Party of New York is releasing this. Extend background checks to all private sales of firearms. A publicly funded health care insurance program, administered at the state and local levels, with comprehensive lifetime benefits, including dental, vision, mental health care, substance abuse treatment, medication coverage, and hospice and long-term care; Participation of all licensed and/or certified health providers, subject to standards of practice in their field, with the freedom of patients to choose the type of health care provider from a wide range of health care choices, and with decision-making in the hands of patients and their health providers, not insurance companies; Portability of coverage regardless of geographical location or employment; Cost controls via streamlined administration, national fee schedules, bulk purchases of drugs and medical equipment, coordination of capital expenditures and publicly negotiated prices of medications; Primary and preventive care as priorities, including wellness education about diet, nutrition and exercise; holistic health; and medical marijuana. This security applies to farm workers as well. We support efforts to overcome the effects of over 200 years of racial discrimination. We should provide a residential setting within the community for those who do not need institutional care but who are unable to live independently. Eliminate the gun show loophole that permits sale of weapons without background checks. A combination of male attitudes and cultural traditions have resulted in most men being under-educated and uninvolved in the planning of their families. Establish and enforce prison policies that discourage racism, sexism, homophobia and rape. These individuals must be prioritized to escape the intolerable conditions. The Green Party urges the government to: The United States Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of religion. Education programs in the community that will energize the creativity of every community member from the youngest to the oldest, including neglected groups such as teenagers, senior citizens, prisoners, immigrants, and drug addicts. The diminishing funds available to provide care for the growing number of the mentally ill often result in their homelessness, vagrancy and dependence on short-term crisis facilities. As in the past, a number of specific gun policy proposals draw extensive public support. Release prisoners with diagnosed mental disorders to secure mental health treatment centers. Focus on education through a general immersion in nature to understand, hands-on, the intricate dependence of humanity upon the natural world. We firmly support the separation of church and state, but we also acknowledge the spiritual dimension of life, and we honor the cultivation of various types of spiritual experience in our diverse society. We understand that until significant steps are taken to reverse the ongoing abuses; to end the criminalization of the Black and Brown communities, to eradicate poverty, to invest in education, health care and the restoration and protection of human rights, that it will be impossible to repair the continuing damage wrought by the ideology of white supremacy which permeates the governing institutions of our nation. Provide adequate academic and vocational education and training to prisoners. Incorporate mental health and social services in bail agreements. Greens oppose the increasingly widespread privatization of prisons. Restore state health, safety, and consumer protection laws by striking federal preemptions that weaken state law. Additionally, the language rights of peoples who were in this land before it became part of the U.S., including Native Americans and Mexicans in the Southwest, must be recognized and respected. The gunman was an 18-year-old Florida resident. We oppose the provision of current law which allows local police to become agents of the immigration agency. Native American land and treaty rights often stand as the front line against government and multinational corporate attempts to plunder energy, mineral, timber, fish, and game resources; pollute water, air, and land in the service of the military; expand economically; and consume natural resources. Since Heller, the Court has drawn a straight line. Young people should be provided with education regarding their own and others' sexuality at the earliest appropriate time. Our members across the country are demanding that Congress enact sensible gun control legislation that will help safeguard people from mindless mass killings. The right to fair and democratic elections of their own union officers. for both individuals and retailers); and Increased funding for the arts appropriate to their essential social role at local, state and federal levels of government. We need to repeal the Real ID Act and resist the establishment of any system that would suppress freedom to travel and require citizens and non-citizens alike to "show their papers" and reveal their private information to government monitors at every turn. Immigrant workers do not compete for jobs with current citizens and should not be punished for being victims of U.S. corporatist policies. Few in either group say it has too little (17% among gun owners and 14% among non-owners). Large majorities in both parties favor preventing the mentally ill from buying guns (89% each), background checks for private gun sales and gun shows (90% of Democrats, 77% of Republicans), and barring people on federal watch lists from buying guns (85% of Democrats, 82% of Republicans). Funding and staffing to incorporate arts education into every school curriculum. Ensure the opportunity for victims to make victim-impact statements. Permanent border passes to all citizens of Latin America and Canada whose identity can be traced and verified. Full funding to ensure broad access to Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programs, which have been proven by researchers to minimize transmission of HIV and reduce public health costs by preventing the need for expensive, lifelong HIV treatment regimens. Protect whistle blowers against demotion, job loss, and other forms of retaliation. Fund in-home support services to allow the differently abled to hire personal care attendants while remaining at home. A call for open dialogue among all residents of Hawai'i on the sovereignty option of full independence. Ensure availability of psychological, drug, and medical treatment, including access to condoms and uninterrupted access to all prescribed medication. Prohibit advertising to children in schools. We call for an end to official support for any remaining symbols of slavery and specifically call for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from all government buildings. We emphasize that when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them. Aggressively implement the Americans with Disabilities Act. We must ensure they have an upbringing that allows them to take their place as functioning, productive, and self-actualized members of their community. Repeal the misnamed Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 in order to restore Chapter 7 bankruptcy as a viable final safety net for consumers caught by health crises, unaffordable mortgages, credit card debts and student loans. Among those who do not currently own guns, about as many say they could see themselves owning a gun at some point as say they could never see themselves owning a gun. Greens also call attention to the fact that more than forty percent of those 2.3 million locked down come from America's black one-eighth. (Jul 2020) Amend Constitution: corporations are not persons. Many of those U.S. Housing discrimination also remains rampant against people of color, immigrants, disabled, single people, gays and lesbians, and families with children. We must address the root cause of all violence even as we specifically address violence to women. The Green Party is unalterably opposed to the dissolution of public schools and the privatization of education. Immigration policies such as separating families at the border, kids in cages, and the Title 42 program which allows the United States Border Patrol and U.S. Customs to prohibit the entry of persons who potentially pose a health risk (a racist policy to fast track deportations and prohibit refugees to seek asylum on U.S. soil) must immediately cease. Lower the voting age to 16 for all elections to give young people the right to take part in deciding their future. Invest more resources into recruiting fully bilingual school support staff, such as front-office and family resource personnel and counselors. At the same time those who are not housed for example, the homeless are often hounded, threatened, and often cannot obtain badly needed services. Teach all students about white supremacy and intersectionality. The share saying almost all types of guns should be legally available (36%) is higher among gun owners as well. Rather than invest in research for a cure like they have done with Hepatitis C, the drug companies invest in drugs that manage a chronic illness. All workers have a right to a safe and humane working environment. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesThere are over 10,200 forms, hundreds of immigration statuses, hefty annual renewal fees, and varying steps immigrants must take to start the process for their specific situation. We support efforts to broadly reform the Bureau of Indian Affairs to make this vast agency more responsible and more responsive to tribal governments. Millions of immigrants and supporters of justice for immigrants have marched in the streets. We believe that government must ensure the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes with respect to the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies. Socialist Party on Gun Control Support right of working class to own and bear arms We recognize and support the right of the working class to own and bear arms. There is broad support among gun owners and non-gun owners in both parties for the bans on gun sales to the mentally ill and people on no-fly or watch lists, as well as for background checks on private gun sales. We endorse women's right to use contraception and, when they choose, to have an abortion. I'm a 5 feet 3 inches tall woman, so I am by no means an intimidating specimen. With the extreme pay inequity, single mothers cannot afford child care, nurture their children, and move out of poverty. Government should work to ensure that children with disabilities are provided with the same educational opportunities as those without disabilities. Human values such as gender equity, interpersonal responsibility, and honesty must be developed with moral conscience. Immigrant workers allow important sectors of the economy to expand, attract investment and create employment opportunities for native-born Americans, contribute more in tax revenue than they collect, reduce American firms incentives to offshore jobs and import foreign-produced goods, and benefit consumers by reducing the prices of goods and services. We believe local decision-making is important, but we realize, as we learned during the civil rights era, that strict federal standards must guide state actions in providing basic protections. We believe that the best educational experience is guaranteed by the democratic empowerment of organized students, their parents and communities along with organized teachers. Instead of enacting zoning laws to increase affordable housing, the trend has too often been to increase the proportion of land zoned for commercial property at the expense of residential property. We call for solutions to this enormous problem that can result in awareness and the introduction of legislation in the U.S. Congress to address it. Strict financial penalties need to be enforced when birth/adoption records have been lost or destroyed while under the care of agencies, hospitals, lawyers, etc. Wide differences on most gun policies between gun owners and non-owners, but also some agreement, What the data says about Americans views of climate change, Podcasts as a Source of News and Information, AI in Hiring and Evaluating Workers: What Americans Think, Americans confident in Zelenskyy, but have limited familiarity with some other world leaders, How Public Polling Has Changed in the 21st Century. The only mention of gun control in the Green Party platform, which is 65 pages long, is this: Thoughtful, carefully considered gun control such as is contained in the Brady Bill (1993). By comparison, about six-in-ten Hispanic adults (58%) and 39% of White adults view gun violence this way. Enact a new GI Bill, similar to the one that began after World War II and ended in 1981, to provide tuition grants for four years of college or other educational opportunities, low-interest loans for housing or business start-ups, and free medical care for military personnel and their families for ten years following separation from the armed forces. Rural residents are generally more skeptical of proposals to toughen gun laws than are people who live in suburban and urban areas. The foundation of any democratic society is the guarantee that each member of society has equal rights. Facilitate procedural justice, ensuring the public's right to know. Under a universal, comprehensive, national single-payer health care system, the administrative waste of private insurance corporations would be redirected to patient care. This will improve road safety and allow the undocumented who are driving in any case to obtain insurance. Gun-control advocates need their own constitutional narrative, one that incorporates a broader conception of self-defense into its vision. Youth are not the property of their parents or guardians, but are under their care and guidance. That law criminalizes the purchase of services from prostitutes, pimps and brothel keepers instead of criminalizing the prostitutes. CANDIDATE SUMMARY Stein said, "We certainly need an assault weapons ban." She also called for regulations to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and individuals with mental illness. (Jan 2014) Greens oppose "English-only" legislation. We support funding for additional clinics to provide services which noware too often delayed or denied because of over-crowding and budget constraints throughout the VA system. . As horrific as this incident was, it is not the only one. This is as significant a threat to the Earth's carrying capacity as the high birth rates in low-consumption countries. Democrats broadly favor making gun laws stricter than they are today. Legalize possession, sale, and cultivation of cannabis/marijuana.