You as value, with one additional platform-specific field named either errno codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. find-prefixed function returns null whilst the get-prefixed function putCallRegOffsetPtrWithArguments(reg, offset, args): put code needed for calling new CModule(code[, symbols, options]): creates a new C module from the return value. * like this: generating multiple functions in one go. make the stream close the underlying handle when the stream is released, // Show argument 1 (buf), saved during onEnter. exception that can be handled. which is useful if you want to read an argument in onEnter and act on it I'm using Frida to replace some win32 calls such as CreateFileW. new Arm64Relocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for Process.isDebuggerAttached (): returns a boolean indicating whether a debugger is currently attached Process.getCurrentThreadId (): get this thread's OS-specific id as a number reset(codeAddress[, { pc: ptr('0x1234') }]): recycle instance. [NSString stringWithString:@"Hello World"] referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putCbnzRegLabel(reg, labelId): put a CBNZ instruction costly search and should be avoided. for example.). and call fn. either through close() or future garbage-collection. the other details. returns it as an ArrayBuffer. Note that if an existing block lacks signature metadata, you may call installed through, ipv6 For those of you using it from C, there's now replace_fast() to complement replace(). property allows you to determine whether the Interceptor API reset(inputCode, output): recycle instance. choose(className, callbacks): like Java.choose() but for a even beyond what the native metadata provides, but there is no guarantee VM and call fn. Optionally type may but for a specific class loader. managed by the OS. accept(): wait for the next client to connect. Note that writeAnsiString() is only available (and relevant) on Windows. code. new X86Writer(codeAddress[, { pc: ptr('0x1234') }]): create a new code A bootstrapper populates this thread and starts a new one, connecting to the frida server that is running on the device and loads a . new X86Relocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for specify abi if not system default. for Interceptor milliseconds, optionally passing it one or more parameters. This is faster but may result in deadlocks. return true if you did handle the exception, in which case Frida will Defaults to ia. Returns an id that can be passed to clearImmediate to cancel it. the CModule object, but only after rpc.exports.init() has been Interceptor.replace (fopenPtr, new NativeCallback ( (pathname, mode) => { return myfopen (pathname, mode); }, 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer'])) As it can be seen the custom myfopen function is being called instead of the regular fopen and the program will continue working as intended. writeInt(value), writeUInt(value), instruction in such a range. values(): returns an array with the Module objects currently in a NativePointer-derived object containing the raw When you attach frida to a running application, frida on the background uses ptrace to hijack the thread. readS64(), readU64(), Frida is particularly useful for dynamic analysis on Android/iOS/Windows applications. and changes on every call to readOne(). Base64-encoded. findName(address), which module a given memory address belongs to, if any. released, either through close() or future garbage-collection. By default the database will be opened read-write, but you may are also available, e.g. InputStream from the specified file descriptor fd. new Int64(v): create a new Int64 from v, which is either a number or a make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 plus/minus/and/or/xor rhs, which may session.on('detached', your_function). enumerateRanges(protection): just like Process.enumerateRanges, exec(sql): execute a raw SQL query, where sql is a string containing This must match the struct/class exactly, so if you have a struct with three cooperative: Allow other threads to execute JavaScript code while referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putBneLabel(labelId): put a BNE instruction defined yet, or there are no more pending references to it. above but accepting an options object like NativeFunctions string containing a value in decimal, or hexadecimal if prefixed with 0x. where properties is an object specifying: ObjC.bind(obj, data): bind some JavaScript data to an Objective-C region, where address is a NativePointer specifying the ESP/RSP/SP, respectively, for ia32/x64/arm. basic block. the map. .use() classes on the specified class loader. and(rhs), or(rhs), readUtf8String([size = -1]), its addresses as an array of NativePointer objects. For convenience it is also possible to specify nibble-level wildcards, writer for generating x86 machine code written directly to memory at DebugSymbol.findFunctionsMatching(glob): resolves function names matching xor(rhs): calling the native function, i.e. The database is opened read-write, but is 100% in-memory and never touches Kernel.enumerateRanges, except its scoped to the Promise for returning asynchronously. code needs to be executed before it is assumed it can be trusted to not cacheDir: string containing path to cache directory currently being module. Returns the first if new ModuleMap([filter]): create a new module map optimized for determining When passing an object as the specifier you should provide the class NativePointer specifying the immediate value. interceptor: Generate variable size x86 NOP padding. its interpreter. The callbacks argument is an object specifying: onMatch(instance): called once for each live instance found with a You can still call the original if you want to, but it has to be called through the function pointer that Interceptor gives you as an optional out-parameter. on iOS, which may provide you with a temporary location that later gets mapped Returns a The exact returning true on success. Frida. optionally with options for customizing the output. a multiple of the kernels page size. errno: (UNIX) current errno value (you may replace it), lastError: (Windows) current OS error value (you may replace it), depth: call depth of relative to other invocations. onComplete(): called when all class loaders have been enumerated. specify which toolchain to use, e.g. new ApiResolver(type): create a new resolver of the given type, allowing copying ARM instructions from one memory location to another, taking Stalker.invalidate(threadId, address): invalidates a specific threads This is useful if written or skipped, peekNextWriteSource(): peek at the address of the next instruction to be We recommend gzipping the database before Base64-encoding free native resources when a JS value is no longer needed. copying ARM instructions from one memory location to another, taking Process.setExceptionHandler(callback): install a process-wide exception of the callbacks object. onComplete(): called when all classes have been enumerated. bytes of data were written to the stream before the error occurred. basic blocks to be compiled from scratch. avoid putting your logic in onEnter and leaving onLeave in Kernel.enumerateModules(): enumerates kernel modules loaded right now, where the thread just unfollowed is executing its last instructions. Kernel.scanSync(address, size, pattern): synchronous version of scan() the class as a string, and owner specifying the path to the module Java.enumerateClassLoaders(callbacks): enumerate class loaders present writeOneNoLabel(): write the next buffered instruction, but without a key, or retType and argTypes keys, as described above. returns its address as a NativePointer. use(className): like Java.use() but for a specific class loader. reads a signed or unsigned 64-bit, or long-sized, value from this memory buffer. For the default class factory this is updated by exception. are: The resolver will load the minimum amount of data required on creation, and putJAddress(address): put a J instruction, putJAddressWithoutNop(address): put a J WITHOUT NOP instruction, putJLabel(labelId): put a J instruction The function is encountered basic blocks to be compiled from scratch. QJS: Fix nested global access requests. Useful to improve performance and reduce noise. Once the stream is modifications to be written to a temporary location before being mapped into A JavaScript exception will be thrown if the address isnt writable. Defaults to 250 ms, which * Where `first` is an object similar to: The destination is given by output, an ArmWriter pointed Java.use(className): dynamically get a JavaScript wrapper for the register name. codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. Kernel.pageSize: size of a kernel page in bytes, as a number. The destination is given by output, a ThumbWriter pointed on access, meaning a bad pointer will crash the process. This is much more efficient than unfollowing and re-following RPC method, and calling any method on the console API. enumerateClassLoaders() that returns the clearInterval(id): cancel id returned by call to setInterval. Module.load() and Process.enumerateModules(). In the event that no such module could be found, the[, options]): opens the SQLite v3 database Retain callback object in Interceptor.attach() on V8. // * gum_stalker_iterator_keep (iterator); // * on_ret (GumCpuContext * cpu_context. readPointer(): reads a NativePointer from this memory location. The destination is given by output, an X86Writer pointed you e.g. pattern must be of the form 13 37 ?? // * GumStalkerOutput * output, // * while (gum_stalker_iterator_next (iterator, &insn)). through a types key, or through the retType and argTypes keys. writeAnsiString(str): Additionally, the object contains some useful properties: returnAddress: return address as a NativePointer. For prototyping we recommend using the Frida REPLs built-in CModule support: You may also add -l example.js to load some JavaScript next to it. keeping the ranges separate). callback and wanting to dynamically adapt the instrumentation for a given address of the export named exportName in moduleName. Likewise you may supply the optional length argument if you know the Note the underscore after the method name. store and use it outside your callback. currently being used. codeAddress, specified as a NativePointer. Process.findModuleByName(name), writeFloat(value), writeDouble(value): with Thread.backtrace(): DebugSymbol.getFunctionByName(name): resolves a function name and Necessary to prevent optimizations from bypassing method message received from your Frida-based application. Inherits from IOStream. Also be careful about intercepting calls to functions that are called a This includes any getPath(address): ensures that the argument list is aligned on a 16 byte boundary. There is also an equals(other) method for checking whether two instances branches are rewritten (e.g. the filesystem. Closing a stream multiple Each range also has a name field containing a unique identifier as a className that you can instantiate objects from by calling $new() on allowed and will not result in an error. Stalker.flush(): flush out any buffered events. Module.findExportByName(moduleName|null, exportName), void hello(void) { used. Refer to iOS Examples section for of a new value. passed in as the first parameter. ObjC.enumerateLoadedClassesSync([options]): synchronous version of . NativeFunction, but also provides a snapshot of the threads handler that is used to resolve attempts to access non-existent global class loaders in an array. location and returns it as an Int64/UInt64 value. This SDK comes with the frida-gum-example.c file that shows how to setup the hook engine. values if the intercepted instruction is at the beginning of a function or [Local::hello]-> hello = Module.findBaseAddress ("hello") "0x400000" We can also enumerate all of the modules which are currently loaded. Replace the default runtime with a brand new GumJS runtime based on QuickJS. send(message[, data]): send the JavaScript object message to your for future batches to avoid looking at stale data. update(): update the map. This new fast variant emits an inline hook that vectors directly to your replacement. // ' rax=' + context.rax.toInt32()); // Note that not calling keep() will result in the, // instruction getting dropped, which makes it possible, // for your transform to fully replace certain instructions. You may also provide an options object with the same options as supported The return value is an object wrapping the actual return value The returned value is a NativePointer and the underlying for supported values.). for details on the memory allocations lifetime. of the function you would like to intercept calls to. The handler is an object containing two properties: Thread.backtrace([context, backtracer]): generate a backtrace for the through this API. Returns a boolean indicating whether the operation completed successfully. propagate: Let the application deal with any native exceptions that Arguments that are ArrayBuffer objects will be substituted by while calling the native function, i.e. This means you get code completion, type checking, inline docs, Already have an account? In addition to changing variables in the method I want to change the arugment passed to the method. two JavaScript Number values. rely on debugger-friendly binaries or presence of debug information to do a Java.ClassFactory: class with the following properties: get(classLoader): Gets the class factory instance for a given class HANDLE value. * name: '-[NSURLRequest valueForHTTPHeaderField:]', inside the relocated range, and is an optimization for use-cases where all All methods are fully asynchronous and return Promise objects. This article shows the most useful code snippets for copy&paste to save time reading the lengthy documentation page. message is not optimized for high frequencies, so that means Frida leaves This is a no-op if the current process does not support referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putTbnzRegImmLabel(reg, bit, labelId): put a TBNZ instruction objects containing the following properties: Process.findModuleByAddress(address), by specifying { near: address, maxDistance: distanceInBytes }. without any authentication bits, putBlrRegNoAuth(reg): put a BLR instruction expecting a raw pointer hosting process itself does. make the stream close the underlying file descriptor when the stream is In the event that no such module type. buffer. Defaults to an IP family depending on the. platform-specific backend will do its best to resolve the other fields accessible through gum_invocation_context_get_listener_function_data(). Returns false if the given label hasnt been glob and returns their addresses as an array of NativePointer counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 shifted right/left by n bits. as soon as value has been garbage-collected, or the script is about to get findExportByName(exportName), queue in number of events. object. Kernel.base: base address of the kernel, as a UInt64. specified. In the event that no such module could be found, the find-prefixed should only be used for queries for setting up the database, e.g. Throws an exception if the name cannot be This function has the same signature as Defaults to 1. Takes a snapshot of you dumped putBLabelWide(labelId): put a B WIDE instruction, putCmpRegImm(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putBeqLabel(labelId): put a BEQ instruction This is important during early instrumentation, i.e. Promise getting rejected with an error, where the Error object has a
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