I think the first thing people need to do is really sit down and analyze themselves, answer what their insecurities are around anything, you know, but particularly around gender. In another, she climbed a lamppost and dropped a heavy purse onto a police car, shattering the windshield. [5] The parks updates will include a litany of updated facilities such as a public restroom and an educational hub. When they could no longer pay, they were evicted. How can food be used as a form of cultural memory & resistance? Marsha was part of a growing community of LGBTQ youth who sought acceptance in New York City. Much of Marshas life story has been pieced together through interviews featured in the documentary. Then when you get pregnant or something, they don't even want to know you., On Paying It Forward: Ill always be known [for] reaching out to young people who have no one to help them out, so I help them out with a place to stay or some food to eat or some change for their pocket. And it's just a reminder that we've been here and it's a reminder we're gonna be here. To learn more about Randy Wicker and Marsha P. Johnson, click here to access the episode notes from our original episode featuring the two activists. It's not entirely different from how women and girls of all experiences face not being seen as competent, intelligent, brilliant, and capability of leadership. The story of a leader in social, environmental, and political activism and first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She wanted to protect young transpeople living on the street by giving them a home. And so Black women in general have had to fight against this restrictive idea of womanhood that has been contingent on a white bourgeois imagination. 2022. www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/marsha-p-johnson. Marsha P. Johnson was and is a woman impossible to forget. She was an activist, a sex worker, a drag performer, and even a model for Andy Warhol. She was at the forefront of pivotal moments in modern history. reinc: The story of a company founded by four US Womens National Team soccer players seeking to challenge norms and inspire lasting progress. In 1975, artist Andy Warhol crossed paths with Marsha and photographed her for his Ladies and Gentleman series. You know, I think about how more work needs to be done at our colleges and universities, in our Greek organizations, in our professional organizations, in the Congressional Black Caucus. Johnson enjoyed wearing clothes made for women and wore dresses starting at age five. Apparently, the truck was not abandoned after all. The raid on Stonewall galvanized the gay rights movement. We fed people and clothed people. By Source, Fair use,https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38099161. Johnson became known as much for her activism as for her attention-grabbing wardrobe, often complete with red plastic heels, colorful wigs and flowers and fruit in her hair. When a Warhol screen-print of Marsha went on display in a Greenwich Village store, Marsha took some friends to see it. [2]Two Transgender Activists Are Getting a Monument in New York Invite students to. However, Johnson also found a community in the city, especially after meeting Latina drag queen Sylvia Rivera. WebIn December 1970, Liza Cowan of WBAI saddle down with members of and novel formed Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (or S The Importance of Dialogue, Development and Acceptance The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. But in this moment, in the fight for trans equality, is it more important to grow allies in the Black community or allies with other women? Sylvia and Marsha hustled every night to make sure their new family had breakfast each morning. Toshiko Akiyoshi changed the face of jazz music over her sixty-year career. She was arrested over 100 times. She used she/her pronouns. I mean how many years does it take people to see that? So there was infrastructure being built. While short-lived, STAR House was an important space for those who needed it. Even when she found work waiting tables or performing in drag shows, she still made most of her money as a sex worker. During Marshas lifetime, the term transgender was not commonly used. And it was an impressive sight. Since then, Marsha has become an icon of the transgender community. Chien-shiung Wu (1912-1997), professor of physics at Columbia University, 1963. MLA Rothberg, Emma. My name is still in story. They thought it was more likely that Marsha was a victim of an attack. Rivera explained in 1998 that she and Johnson decided it was time to help each other and help our other kids. Marsha P. Johnson. National Womens History Museum. She spoke publicly about it and told people she hoped they would not be afraid of those who had the disease. Young trans women like Marsha were particularly vocal that night because they felt they had nothing to left to lose. Johnson and Rivera arrived at Stonewall around 2am where, Johnson said in a later interview, the place was already on fire, and there was a raid already. We kept the building going. 6 June 2020. Lee: What do you think it would take to get that kind of allegiance, especially among Black folks, right? Willis: I think it's all of the above. Willis: It does hurt. You should stand as close to them as you can and help them out as much as you can. And it's not just Black trans women. Wilchins, Riki, A Woman for Her Time,The Village Voice, February 26, 2002,https://www.villagevoice.com/2002/02/26/a-woman-for-her-time/. The story of a transgender activist who participated in the Stonewall Uprising and fought for equal rights. On July 6, 1992, Johnsons body was found in the Hudson River. And that's just not okay. The first Gay Pride Parade took place in 1970 and a series of gay rights groupsincluding the Gay Liberation Front, a more radical organization, and the Gay Activist Alliance, a more moderate and focused spin-off groupemerged. Police then reclassified the case as a drowning from undetermined cause, but the LGBTQ+ community was furious that the police refused to investigate further and that many press outlets did not cover her death. And I think that we do a disservice by allowing folks who lead Black liberation movements to envision liberation as contingent on one identity or one experience. Particularly as a Black trans woman, I'm dealing with the dual history of trans women not being seen as women enough but also Black women. I mean, how often does that happen? Willis: The way that I navigate these spaces shifts. A person who identifies with the sex they were assigned at birth. I mean, I wish I could say yes, but Black cis folks are not doing enough. Cemetery Name: Marsha P. Johnson grew up in Elizabeth, New Jersey, with her mother. Why did Marsha move to New York City? Chicago Rothberg, Emma. They rented a dilapidated building with no electricity or running water. WebMarsha P. Johnson: The way I winded up being at Stonewall that night, I was having a party uptown. Willis, Raquel, How Sylvia Rivera Created the Blueprint for Transgender Organizing,Out Magazine,May 21, 2019,https://www.out.com/pride/2019/5/21/how-sylvia-rivera-created-blueprint-transgender-organizing. Lee: You know, I don't want to either/or it or make it too reductive or too simple. Lee: On one hand, I get tired of the trope that the Black community is somehow more homophobic or more transphobic. Her father was absent and her mother died by suicide when Rivera was 3 years old. Rivera said in a 1995 interview with The New York Times of participating in this parade, the movement had put me on the shelf, but they took me down and dusted me offStill, it was beautiful. Marsha P. Johnson was a proud and outspoken member of the LGBTQ+ community before it was popular to be so. Black trans women continue to face disproportionate levels of violence. [3]These transgender icons will be the first to get statues in the US But inevitably, you are all of your identities at one time. She dispensed cheer and joy. The final bill passed in 2002 and prevents discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, credit, and the exercise of civil rights.. But I will say I don't think that this is just a moment for Black trans people. According to NYC Mayor, Bill de Blasio, "putting up statues doesn't change everything, but it starts to change hearts and mindswe want to honor them because they lived their truth and they made history.[4] In addition to the monuments, Marsha P. Johnson State Park (previously East River State Park) in Brooklyn, NY has become the first state park in the state of New York to be dedicated to an LGBTQ person and a Trans woman of color. Other times, it seems like the vulnerabilities and the layer of vulnerabilities that Black trans people find themselves in are those layers of vulnerability that many Black people face: poverty, abuse and trauma. Jen Carlson, Activists Install Marsha P. Johnson Monument in Christopher Park, Gothamist, August 25, 2021. reinc: The story of a company founded by four US Womens National Team soccer players seeking to challenge norms and inspire lasting progress. Throughout her life, she fought against the exclusion of transgender people, especially transgender people of color, from the larger movement for gay rights. Lee: How do you move through these movement spaces that, you know, the bounds of white supremacy are still there? Sometimes, the strangers were violent. 1750. Transpeople were more likely to be homeless and targeted by police. On July 6, 1992, Marshas body was found floating in the Hudson River. Our executive producer is Ellen Frankman. But the impact of STAR had already been felt by many. She grabbed the microphone anyway, telling the spectators and other marchers, If it wasnt for the drag queen, there would be no gay liberation movement. New-York Historical Society Library. She asked Marsha to help her create a place where they could feel safe, unite, and fight for their rights. Johnson: We just were saying, "No more police brutality," and, oh, "We had enough of police harassment in the Village and other places." The riots had already started, and they said the police went in there and set the place on fire. How Nan Goldin Waged War Against Big Pharma, How the Greensboro Four Began the Sit-In Movement, Biography: You Need to Know: Bayard Rustin, Biography: You Need to Know: Sylvia Rivera, Biography: You Need to Know: Dorothy Pittman Hughes. Willis: I don't think so. 1985.212. How have Indigenous people exercised sovereignty and self-determination in the modern world? Cihak and Zima (photographer), Ida B. Wells-Barnett, ca. I'm Trymaine Lee. Original music by Hannis Brown. And I think that we have to be able to hold that. I've been around them for years, from working the streets. It is said those who threw the first brick on On every level, Black cis folks are not doing enough to show up in new and expansive ways around gender and it's a problem. I would love for there to be a massive mobilization of allies of Black folks. The first STAR House was in the back of an abandoned truck in Greenwich Village. Marsha P. Johnson never self-identified with the term transgender, but the term was also not in broad use while she was alive. And I didn't get downtown till about 2:00. But I don't know if we'll even completely know we're in a revolution probably until maybe it's almost over, right? The store owners called her riffraff and threw her out. Lee: This is from a 1989 interview with journalist Eric Marcus. Image Credit:Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Ron Simmons. Well, I know how to handle them. But I'll be honest. It was written, directed, and produced by Tourmaline and Sasha She was identified as male at birth. Why do you think they were so close? Together, they started raising their voices. After graduating high school, Marsha moved to New York City with only $15 and a bag of clothes. Dive into the world of small businesses with this compilation of powerful quotes that celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit, community impact, and unwavering commitment of local business owners. (LAUGH) But is her name and folks who came after her and worked alongside her, are those names forgotten, overlooked by accident, by intent? Here are 14 quotes from Johnson that capture her spirit and endless passion for LGBTQ+ rights: On Coming of Age: I was no one, nobody, from Nowheresville until I became a drag queen. NASA on The Commons, via flickr, Home / Growth and Turmoil, 1948-1977 / Growing Tensions / Life Story: Marsha P. Johnson. As we celebrate Earth Day this year, may we reflect on the wise words of environmentalists, climate activists, faith leaders, lovers of nature, and the youth of the world. Their rage was not just about the police. Not long after, her body was pulled from the Hudson River near the West Village. And whatever I can do to use the bit of access I might have, or privilege, or platform to push the dignity of Black trans people, I'm gonna do it. They were pushed out of the fight for suffrage in this country. Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor: Culinary Anthropologist, Towards Hawaiian Sovereignty: Legacy of Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask, Dr. Wangari Maathai: The story of a leader in social, environmental, and political activism and first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, Chronicles of American Women: Your History Makers, Women Writing History: A Coronavirus Journaling Project, We Who Believe in Freedom: Black Feminist DC, Learning Resources on Women's Political Participation, Defying Expectations: Unsung Hero: Marsha P. Johnson and the Stonewall Riots, https://www.vogue.co.uk/arts-and-lifestyle/article/who-was-marsha-p-johnson, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/new-york-city-monument-will-honor-transgender-activists-marsha-p-johnson-and-sylvia-rivera-180972326/, https://www.out.com/out-exclusives/2017/8/24/power-people-exploring-marsha-p-johnsons-queer-liberation, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/obituaries/overlooked-marsha-p-johnson.html?mtrref=&mtrref=undefined&gwh=7FAC77AD0450CB8215713140B8184F62&gwt=regi&assetType=REGIWALL, https://wams.nyhistory.org/growth-and-turmoil/growing-tensions/marsha-p-johnson/#:~:text=After%20graduating%20high%20school%2C%20Marsha,to%20questions%20about%20her%20gender, www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/marsha-p-johnson, www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/Sylvia-Rivera, https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/marsha-p-johnson-statue-bust-christopher-park. 1890. AMERICAN IDENTITY AND CITIZENSHIP; ACTIVISM AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Major support for Women & the American Story provided by, Lead support for New-York Historicals teacher programs provided by, In 1975, artist Andy Warhol crossed paths with Marsha and photographed her for his. Johnson, like many other transgender women, felt they had nothing to lose. And then the last thing I'll say is, you know, you brought up the contours of womanhood. Sylvia Rivera. National Womens History Museum. To learn more, check out the vocabulary resource guides from. Marsha P. Johnsons Best Friend Was A Fellow Pioneer,Vogue UK, June 13, 2020,https://www.vogue.co.uk/arts-and-lifestyle/article/who-was-sylvia-rivera. What challenges did she face there? She was an advocate STAR House was of personal importance to Johnson and Rivera as they had both spent much of their youth experiencing homelessness and destitution. Johnson, an African American self-identified drag queen and activist, was also battling exclusion in a movement for gay rights that did not embrace her gender expression. WebMarsha was an eccentric woman who was known for her exotic hats and jewelry which stood out to the public and attracted attention to her. I don't think any of us have the luxury of focusing on one group or the other. Raised by her grandmother, Rivera began experimenting with clothing and makeup at a young age. Invite students to study Warhols portrait of Marsha and learn about the, Invite students to learn more about the Stonewall Inn uprising by exploring the, A few days before her death, Marsha gave an interview in which she joked about the recent installment of a monument outside the Stonewall Inn. I walked down 58th Street and the young ones were calling from the sidewalk, 'Sylvia, Sylvia, thank you, we know what you did. Encourage them to search for articles about the Marsha and Sylvia statue in New York City, Marsha P. Johnson state park in Brooklyn, and more. A person who was assigned male at birth but identifies as a woman. That interview originally appeared on his show, Making Gay History. In 2012, the New York Police Department reopened the case into Johnsons death. This video was created by the New-York Historical Society Teen Leaders in collaboration with the Untold project. The group became a space to organize and discuss issues facing the transgender community in New York City and they also had a building, STAR House, that provided lodgings for those who needed it. WebMarsha P. Search streaming video, audio, and text content for academic, public, and K-12 institutions. She spoke publicly about her diagnosis and how people should not be afraid of those with the disease in a June 26, 1992 interview. You might know King as the wife of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., however, her legacy extends far beyond the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s.. She also reconciled with the gay rights movement that was now expanding to embrace the LGBTQ+ community. Alexander Street is an imprint of ProQuest that promotes teaching, research, Franois (Franz) Fleischbein (artist), Portrait of Betsy, 1837. A progressive social reformer and activist, Jane Addams was on the frontline of the settlement house movement and was the first American woman to wina Nobel Peace Prize. As one of the leaders of the Stonewall Inn uprising, the Black transgender woman was an early activist for LGBTQ+ rights in New York City. Rivera said in an interview in 2001 that while she did not throw the first Molotov cocktail at the police (a long-enduring myth), she did throw the second. Marsha enjoyed expressing herself through her appearance. Willis: Right. Willis: I definitely think that names like Marsha P. Johnson were forgotten intentionally. Compare the lives of Marsha P. Johnson and, Connect Marshas life story to other LGBTQ individuals within, One of Marshas proudest moments was with Andy Warhol. Marsha P. Johnson. National Womens History Museum. Oops! And that fearless attitude exemplifies how the Black transgender activist lived her life, leading the charge for LGBTQ+ rights every step of the way and helping instigate the Stonewall Inn uprising that sparked the gay pride movement. Is it a dropping of ego? Ask them to think about the kind of monument or memorial they would want to create for Marsha, based on her life story. As they watched their kids jump from a moving truck, Marsha and Sylvia realized they needed a real home. But when people are close to you and they're side, maybe they're family or people that you really respect and they don't get it, does that sting a little bit? Marsha spent most of her life without a permanent home. How have Indigenous people exercised sovereignty and self-determination in the modern world? Always sporting a smile, Johnson was an It was a time when same-sex dancing in public wasnt allowed, bars were banned from serving alcoholic drinks to gay people and cross-dressing could lead to a sexual deviancy arrest. Despite her joyous personality and ever-present smile, Johnson experienced hardship. She brought some serious thoughts to this gay audience. Show more Show more She never let her personal setbacks stop her advocacy. They're really insulting to women. She believed no one should hustle or live on the streets, but she knew no other way to survive. And they never forget it. And so we've got to understand that. By following year, the first gay pride parades took place, and Johnson and Rivera founded Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR) to house, feed and clothe young transgender people. WebOn what would have been Marsha P Johnsons 77th birthday, the founder of the institute that bears her name discusses her powerful, often misunderstood legacy. I think we have to have a real conversation on how white supremacy has also plagued the LGBTQ+ movement since its inception. To honor Johnsons life, public art will be included and interpretive park signage throughout the park will share her story. Apr 21, 2023. Reyes, Raul A., A Forgotten Latina Trailblazer: LGBT Activist Sylvia Rivera, NBC News, October 6, 2015,https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/forgotten-latina-trailblazer-lgbt-activist-sylvia-rivera-n438586. . Willis: I don't think so. Unknown photographer, A Typical Boomer Family, ca. LIVE! She said in a 1989 interview that, Before gay rights, before the Stonewall, I was involved in the Black Liberation movement, the peace movementI felt I had the time and I knew that I had to do something. The weight is heavy, and there's a lot to be concerned, sad, angry about. Marsha P. Johnson was born on August 24, 1945, in Elizabeth, New Jersey. One morning, they returned to the truck just as it was pulling away with STAR residents sleeping inside. She also did not have a permanent home during this time, and bounced around sleeping at friends homes, hotels, restaurants, and movie theaters. Shes said that the town had zero tolerance for LGBTQ people and as a Throughout Greenwich Village, she was known as Saint Marsha. Locals admired her ability to truly be herself. There's this idea that because we are openly gender nonconforming or having an openly different gender experience that we deserve the abuse that we may receive, and that's just not okay. MLA Rothberg, Emma. Lee: I'm Trymaine Lee, and this is Into America. I think about just two days after George was murdered, Tony McDade was murdered in Tallahassee, Florida, a Black transgender man. "Don't you got money to make?". Her lavish outfits were often made from thrift store finds, gifts from friends, and items she found on the street. For Black trans lives especially, is this a time? She was often abused by clients and arrested by the police. And that's also something that Black cisgender and straight people need to understand as well. Marshas life dramatically changed when she found herself near the Stonewall Inn in the early hours of June 28, 1969. Marsha had a reputation for being generous and kind. Lee: How much does class play in all this? And yet we have to contend with the fact that even if there was a clear story, which there rarely is for any victim, particularly if you're Black, he would not have gotten any more attention from most people because people have a bias against trans folks. Marsha is one of many Black Trans At the time, 1992 was the worst year on record for anti-LGBTQ violence according to the New York Anti-Violence Project. Marsha described herself as a gay person, a transvestite, and a drag queen. Willis: I think that we need all the allies. The best email in your inbox.Filled with the days best good news. Yet this was not the first time Rivera was directly involved in activism. Screen excerpts from this film so that students can hear directly from Marsha and the people in her life. "Read Stamped from the Beginning," right? My name is Todd Bishop. What tensions existed within the gay liberation movement? Well never share your email with anyone else. Lee: And I don't want to necessarily use the word hurt. WebMarsha P. Johnson was one of the most prominent figures of the gay rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s in New York City. Because as a Black trans woman, you telling me you want to abolish the police or you telling me you want to abolish prisons, that you want to defund the police doesn't necessarily put me completely at ease because I know that I could still be and am likely to be harmed by men in our communities, particularly Black cishet men. I think its about time the gay brothers and sisters got their rights . Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. Site contains certain content that is owned A&E Television Networks, LLC. The church was so full that the crowd spilled into the street. And so I don't want to leave places, you know, coming in as the first Black trans woman to do X, Y, and Z and then have not built any pathways for more Black trans people to come into the space, to carry the banner when I leave and inevitably go do other work. Describe Marshas and Sylvias friendship. Johnsons father worked on the General Motors Assembly Line in Linden, NJ and her mother was a housekeeper. Currently, LGTBQ+ monuments are not among the Citys public statues. Or is it your gender identity first? The story of a leader in social, environmental, and political activism and first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Subscribers get each new issue of the Goodnewspaper mailed to their home, get exclusive discounts for do-good brands, fill the world with more good news, and more. We have to be having a holistic conversation on violence that not only talks about state violence but it also talks about the violence in our own homes, in our communities. We'll be back next week. Nearly 24 young people called the truck home. Thank you. [3] These will be the first permanent monuments dedicated to Transgender women in the state of New York. I found a little bit of joy having this complex, smart conversation with you. And so when I think about womanhood, we have to be expansive with all of these gender categories. ", On Mental Health: I may be crazy, but that don't make me wrong., On Distrust: I got robbed once. Looking for more quotes? Lee: Marsha P. Johnson was one of those women. 2022. I was involved with that.. Not long after moving to New York, then 17-year-old Johnson met 11-year-old Sylvia Rivera. A monument dedicated to Marsha P Johnson, the late African-American transgender activist and pioneer, will be unveiled in New York in 2021. She began dressing almost exclusively in womens clothes and adopted the full name Marsha P. Johnson. She took on the name "Black Marsha," and eventually added on her famous middle initial and took her last name from a Howard Johnson restaurant she frequented. I'm a senior and I'm a certified Johnny Byrum fan. But life didnt start out fearlessly for Johnson. She was an advocate for drag queens, people of color, and transgender people, fighting for their right to be seen and heard.. Dissident News has received the exclusive full transcript for the entirety of the RFK announcement speech. Jarena Lee, 1849. WebMarsha was a fixture in the West Village, known and adored by everybody. Were all in this rat race together! Marsha P. Johnson, I may be crazy, but that dont make me wrong. Marsha P. Johnson, I dont think you should be ashamed of anybody you know that has AIDS. And when that doesn't happen, I mean, you're being dehumanized on two levels. Immediately after graduating from Thomas A. Edison High School, Johnson moved to New York City with one bag of clothes and $15. Invite students to research the ways in which Marshas legacy is being remembered today. Today, historians and former friends of Marsha describe her as a trans woman. We don't really talk about how we have our own conceptions of which victims are worthy of our empathy. (LAUGH) I almost don't have time to tweet on some days 'cause I'm so busy. Diana Davies/Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, By Alexandra Burgos for NPS Cultural Landscapes Program, [1] Marsha P. Johnson, a black transgender woman, was a central figure in the gay liberation movement I think when you're close to people it does hurt in a particular way. I feel like what fuels a lot of the violence that may happen from Black men towards Black women comes from an innate feeling of not being man enough for whatever reason. She was assigned male at birth. While it was in use during Marshas life, this term is now considered offensive and has been replaced with other terminology, such as transgender. Cooking for myself, right? When you hear J.K. Rowling saying that, what's your response to that? She sometimes lived with friends. There's only one thing they want to get up your dress. Dunlap, David W., Sylvia Rivera, 50, Figure in Birth of the Gay Liberation Movement,New York Times, February 20, 2002,https://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/20/nyregion/sylvia-rivera-50-figure-in-birth-of-the-gay-liberation-movement.html. It was not easy to live on the margins. As the gay liberation movement became increasingly white, middle class, and cisgender, STAR reminded everyone that transgender and gender non-conforming people deserved equal rights too. Here are 14 quotes from Johnson that capture her spirit and endless passion for LGBTQ+ rights: On Coming of Age: I was no one, nobody, from Nowheresville until I I don't relish in these ideas of being the first, or being a token, or being an only. We have been fighting to be respected, fighting to live for centuries. She returned to the city in 1992 after the death of Johnson. Almost 30 years on from her death, Johnson is getting the attention she was denied when she was alive, with tales of Hey, Luke. In 1990, Marsha contracted AIDS. You can't say that it's about having a particular set of body, you know, thinking of the many women I know who have had hysterectomies, right? 'Cause we're all caught up in it. To make ends meet, she became a sex worker often getting arrested, losing count after the 100th incident. Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor: Culinary Anthropologist, Dr. Wangari Maathai: The story of a leader in social, environmental, and political activism and first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, Towards Hawaiian Sovereignty: Legacy of Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask, Chronicles of American Women: Your History Makers, Women Writing History: A Coronavirus Journaling Project, We Who Believe in Freedom: Black Feminist DC, Learning Resources on Women's Political Participation, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38099161, https://www.vogue.co.uk/arts-and-lifestyle/article/who-was-sylvia-rivera, https://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/20/nyregion/sylvia-rivera-50-figure-in-birth-of-the-gay-liberation-movement.html, https://npg.si.edu/blog/welcome-collection-sylvia-rivera, https://ag.ny.gov/civil-rights/sonda-brochure, https://www.nps.gov/people/sylvia-rivera.htm, www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/biographies/Sylvia-Rivera, https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/forgotten-latina-trailblazer-lgbt-activist-sylvia-rivera-n438586, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/new-york-city-monument-will-honor-transgender-activists-marsha-p-johnson-and-sylvia-rivera-180972326/, https://www.villagevoice.com/2002/02/26/a-woman-for-her-time/, https://www.out.com/pride/2019/5/21/how-sylvia-rivera-created-blueprint-transgender-organizing.