There are some issues with the chart most importantly Venus, ruler of marriage and the 1sthouse in the marriage chart opposing Uranus, the planet that rules divorce! Patience will be the most important factor that will contribute to the success of the natives with Moon in 1st house from Lagna. The native's spouse may cheat on them, resulting in divorce. It may be apparent that there are major connections between two people in the natal chart (his Sun conjunct your Moon, your Venus conjunct his Mars, etc.). His younger sister/brother will be rich, will have a car, and possess a great number of friends. All of these were, transiting Jupiter was trine her Part of Marriage Jupiter is the law, and the legal part of one getting married and will often be included when one marries, transiting Neptune trined her Part of Marriage, solar arc Saturn trined her Part of Marriage, solar arc Sun, general indicator of marriage partner squared her Part of Spirit, solar arc Mars, ruler of her 7thhouse of marriage, conjoined her Part of Spirit, solar arc Jupiter conjoined with her Part of Marriage, solar arc Uranus conjoined her Part of Marriage, solar arc Moon conjoined her Sun/Moon midpoint this point in the chart is often activated when one marries, solar arc Saturn trined her Sun/Moon midpoint, Unfortunately, I dont think either of them consulted with an astrologer about their wedding date/time. I sure do! Art, music, and imagination are among the partners' mutual interests, which strengthen their bond. 3. No aspect to anything is an again new definition of void. Will you rise in the new year? When one is entering a "marriage" phase in their life, their chart will often show this. In Jennifers chart, Mars, ruler of her 7, Do I think she will marry again? But, a void Venus is only one indicator that there may be a delay to marriage or no marriage at all. I believe my Venus might be void; it is in 20 Taurus and has no aspects other than a trine to the Moon and a conjunction to Chiron. Permanent unions, however, seem to occur when there are appropriate indicators in transits, progressions, and solar arc directions. Navamsa (D9) chart reading for marriage,career,spirituality These natives will have a great peaceful married life. I wrote an article at the beginning of the year outlining Jenni. Venus In 1st House/ Ascendant/ Lagna Love, Career, Marriage Effects I noted that you mentioned a double bodied sign on the 7th can indicate more than one marriage or infidelity, etc. The personality and temperament of a person are represented by the first house. Pleaseemail meor chat with me now! They can enjoy life, have fun, and utilise the sensual pleasures of the world. 6. I have found over the years of looking at charts there are some placements that can delay, prevent or outright deny marriage. Thank you for your reply. The Venus in the 1st house gives a charming personality to the people, it makes people attracted towards them; the people get easily attracted to these natives both physically and emotionally. Although my Venus is in her own sign. One can be Saturn in or ruling the 7th house cusp, which can delay marriage as well. But your honest emotions will be your true identity and help you to go through in life. A Void Venus that isnt in aspect to anything in the chart is essentially on its own and not talking to other planets so, it can be much harder for the individual to figure out how to do relationships. I personally would look to the ruler of an empty house as well as other relationship indicators. So, it is not uncommon that those who have this who do want to marry may put it off until they have their career (a Saturn thing!) Juli. We never married, but we did love and care for each other. Venus In Different Houses | Know About 1st To 12th Houses - Mahadasha We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. You will be completely yourself in expressing your personality without any hesitation. It is like comparing apples and oranges. Other than that, the native will be passionate and completely involved in their love life all the time and be great to their partners. Venus in the First House Meaning. Also, the ruler of the 7th, which is the marriage house in this event chart, is in Cancer, which renders it in its Fall meaning this marriage really was going to have a hard time of things! Moon in 1st House Career What are These People Good At? They usually grow up in harmonious surroundings. Theyre also worried about what other people think of them. Debilitated Seventh lord. They always try to harmonise, improve, and beautify their surroundings. Moon in 1st House : Vedic Astrology - GaneshaSpeaks However, they should be cautious about what they talk and how they talk. These houses deal with love . Moon, Venus conjunction or opposition. The Natives will be emotionally troubled. Who You'll Marry According To Astrology & Your Seventh House Zodiac Sign These natives are creative and artistic when it comes to mindset, and it helps them a lot in making a good name, fame, and fortune in their career. There isn't much for the natives to complain about in their married life. , there is both positive and negative approach in these natives' marriage life. Your personal planets include Venus, Mars, Mercury, the Moon, and your Sun. As the 5th house rules children as well as love affairs we also has a child shortly thereafter. With Ganeshas Grace, It signifies the logical side of making brilliant decisions, emotional stability, and even an emphatic soul. The Moon in the 1st house gives a positive sign to the natives for marriage. Their love for luxury can be detrimental to their interests. Certainly, if one has planets in the 7th, that is important, but does not deny marriage. The moon in the first house gives major issues in the extremely emotional nature of the natives. I would be happy to arrange a reading for you regarding marriage. If youve been experiencing the negative effects too, the following remedies might help: Moon in 1st house can bless its natives with wealth, good luck, amazing decision making skills, intelligence, creativity, good health, and whatnot. These people are born beautiful and they have an equally beautiful heart. If you haven't already found love, Venus in the 1st house transit is the moment to do so. I also have no planets in the 7th and got married when my 7th house ruler (Uranus) conjuncted my 7th house co-ruler (Saturn) in my 5th. I hope you enjoy the articles I provide here and it confirms I would be the right reader for you! Dive in! Astrology has many uses and can answer most any question one may have. Just glancing, her Vertex is being transited by Saturn and Neptune; her progressed Sun is conjoined with her natal Venus and her progressed Venus is exactly on her 7thhouse cusp, and solar arc Mars ruler of the 7this exactly square her Venus! Extreme delay in marriage occurs when there is mutual aspect of Saturn and Venus in the natal chart and moon is in the 8th or 12th House.The individual gets married in old age when the Saturn and . Venus is the planet of love and relationships and has rulership over the 7thhouse in the zodiac. of astrology, the 1st house might give you some understanding and speech issues in your married life. Can your natal chart show that you may have multiple marriages? In Jennifers chart, Mars, ruler of her 7th of marriage, conjoined Neptune in 5 degrees or years! Please help. It signifies the logical side of making brilliant decisions, emotional stability, and even an emphatic soul. These men like being appreciated and indulged, especially when they are young. They are quite generous and never consider people to be inferior to them. Non committed relationships or love affairs that are more casual are seen by the 5th house and its ruler; friendships are seen by the 11th house and its ruler. Others just want to cut to the chase and know, Will I marry? I have always been a big planner and love to figure things out. I combine these disciplines with my intuitive ability to give you insight. If Mars is adverse or affected from the chart, the native might be sexually promiscuous. As per personalised predictions, you might face a hard time with other people having a problem with your over-expressive nature. If Moon is placed in the 1st house, you tend to become emotional and moody. Malefic influence on 7th, 7th lord from Ascendant, moon or Venus. The spouse of Natives with weak or badly-placed Moon in 1st house might suddenly die, leaving the natives bereft and mourning. & if so,from which chart D1 or D9? If the Sun is occidental, being in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th or 9th house, this can show a later marriage or marriage to one who is older. The Natives Will Have a Peaceful Married Life. Venus in the 1st house is a blessed position in the horoscope. People with a badly-placed Moon in 1st House might be born with birth defects. Most people would need a reading with a knowledgeable astrologer to be able to ascertain whether their Venus is void. Lucky for us, there is a formula for this! The Time Frame Trap Are you Participating in the Prediction or Sitting on the Sidelines? He likely to suffer from some accidents or injuries in their lifetime. Moon in 1st house is one of the most auspicious placements if not debilitated in the zodiac signs of the natives. Hi Sheetal! 2. You said that a void Venus is an almost 100% guarantee of no marriage. The GaneshaSpeaks Team, Talk to Astrologers & Tarot Readers The 1st house represents one's personality and temperament. This tendency pervades everything around them, manifesting itself in their personal style. Venus in the 11th House Positive Outcome. The natives with Venus in the 11th House are blessed with a charming personality, a great social circle, and a strong bond with family, friends, and loved ones. Venus in 1st House Synastry is very promising for business partnerships, especially those associated with art and anything beautiful. The presence of the Moon will make you a tad emotional and courageous, and the . I also do not feel that everyone would have negative synastry with your chart. I will need your full birth data: birth date, time and place. There typically are other things seen as well in the chart that may lead the astrologer to believe marriage may not occur. I do all the research andwriting. Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change. I am sought all over the world for guidance in matters of Love A True, Honest, Gifted Reader, for over 20 years! Typically, the natives are blessed with a boy first with the charm and grace of these natives being passed down to their offspring. So, the natives need to be careful of their attitude. These individuals are caring, friendly, and adorable and seek tranquility in their surroundings. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Im wondering if this doesnt ring true for me. Hi! However, if the same moon in 1st house in navamsa chart gets debilitated, it will mess with the minds of the natives.