For more information, please see our Our staged mud flood reality is based off of deluge after deluge and creation after destruction after creation ad infinitum. They explain everything we are learning about the giants now, it is amazing how they describe the mudflood and ancient giant cities buried under hills back in the 1800's. (LogOut/ You will see beautiful cities illuminated by street lights, and cities devoid of people. That would be totally amazing if true. The Peacock Angels etheric body became the planetary grid and the vortexes and chakras on the world grid became his courts. Jesus Christ walked on Earth 2,000 years ago; God's Best-Kept Secret - 'Lost' Ark of the Covenant between 592-586 BC & its discovery in 1982 AD Well, here she is. Ive only covered five or six of them this time around, but theres more. These streetlights harnessed the power of the aether which caused the gasses inside of the upper bulb to ionize and fluoresce. The heat output this type of central air circulation system would be dependent on the amount of rebar in the house, the amount of tensional stress applied to the rebar, whether or not the house had a tower dome and metal poles on the outside that were connected to the rebar inside, the size of the chimney, the size of the metal back plate, the size of the fireplace, and the size of the fireplaces metal sculptings. These heat exchangers were connected to air shafts and air ducts. Forbidden archeology is how they keep the masses uninformed. Lets pretend for a moment that we are Sumerians living 450,000 years ago. Interesting. are lights within our dome. are known biblically as the "Day of the Lord". You know everything. The last one was the There is a Star Fort in New Mexico at Fort Union National Monument, just slightly sw of the parking lot. Just grand architecture that the governments of our present day have decided to turn into public works type of buildings. Which point to a cataclysmic event such as a world wide flood spoken of in our Bible and the books we are forbidden to read that speak of giant races and their origens. Then the underground children or orphans are brought up to the surface and distributed throughout to repopulate the world. Have you even researched it ? We see the symbolism in events like the CERN opening ceremony, and Super Bowl Halftime events and of course Oscars, and Music Awards and in various other forms. Now, the story appears to tell the story of days before the great flood, the same days of the Peacock Angels or Fallen Angels and the underworld stories of which now we can only imagine what horrid creatures the fallen ones mingled and placed there. They try to suppress this info and it is hard to find unless you specifically look for it. But now im rethinking this and thinking so many Royal Historians past and present and anthropologists, Like Sir Vernon Bogdanor, Mary Beard, and many others too who work with the BBC. In fact all of our so-called history was invented during the Renaissance. If anyone is asking for money or donations of [], If we go outside and look around, everything we see was built by men. I am not a legal advisor. I think linking the sources to research studying this stuff this out will be the best way then we can discuss and ask questions. Like the civilizations before them whose heights averaged twelve feet, fifty feet, two+ miles, etceach preceding civilization had an average taller height than the civilizations coming after them and each succeeding civilization had an average shorter height than the civilizations predating them. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Sedimentation is the collective name for processes that cause these particles to settle in place. Constitutional History Experts. Our true history shows that giants existed before the last major reset or mud flood between 1811 and 1816, and that some of them still exist today. adamspiritualwarrior says: Giant Silverware for Giants? Can anyone suggest any further reading material on Tartaria for me? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This aetheric energy would provide acoustical healing to anyone near the fireplace, air ducts, or anyone in or around the Tartarian home. Their dustified remains blew in the wind and was carried along the ground by rain which caused the dustified remains to gather around anything in the way such as buildings, mountains, and canyons. Before a major reset occurs, children are abducted from the surface and brought underground over a period of years. Its fusion with tin created the bronze that allowed primitive Europe to enter into the modernity that had existed for a long time in territories of Tartary. Buildings hundreds of years old and located all across the world are known to be encased in a mud flow up to several stories high and in some cases even completely engulfing buildings entirely in nothing but mud. The heat caused by the tension friction from the rebar under stress focused the heat into the chimney by way of being connected to the chimneys back plate. They said that during the civil war the fort was built to protect the end of the Santa Fe Trail depot but it looked much older and no solider could stay in it as it was poorly built and was not stable. I am not a political advisor. Youre cool. The lovely Rebecca. Not all heat exchangers were roof mounted. That would determine which type of heat exchanger you would need and the amount of heat exchangers you would need. I may throw her in when you least suspect it. One has to wonder. The Tartarians (or Tartars) were the indigenous people (quite possibly founded by Noahs sons) making up the world renowned Tartarian empire. Fallen . Tartarian fireplaces were not designed to burn anything. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You think the babys body is the mothers body wherein reality the bodies are two separate individual bodies. This energy was routed by way of the homes rebar and focused that aetheric energy into the chimney and onto the metal back plate found inside of the chimney. There was an ancient worldwide civilization that got flooded and buried under mud that archeology calls the cultural layer. For all we know the upper bulbs that sat on top of the Tartarian streetlights and found inside the homes of the Tartars themselves were not made from glass, but quite possibly from a type of quartz crystal. How to enable dark theme in Silk on Kindle Fire HD All of the bible researchers are wrong! I did a lot of research to make sure the geography and customs, and real names of people and empires where correct (even if our history books didnt mention it that way) in order to show the real events of that time period. There is no building, business, or infrastructure that was only built and ran by women. Apr 29, 2020 - Explore Charlotte McGee's board "mud fossil giants" on Pinterest. Then look at the 1906 columbian exhibition, they say that is wood and plaster facades made like a movie set, they demolished all of this. The back cover of Texe Marrs book states the following: Mysterious monuments enshroud the world with magic and seduction. Anyway, I though you might like to add this to your expose on Tartaria. Today we are jointed by Jake from The Improbable Dreamer. Is there, in fact, a Master Plan to seduce mens minds and catapult humanity into a New Order of the Ages?. Is the grand solar minimum really causing all of this? The Tartarians would walk inside of the massive fireplaces and demolecularize. Rather than explain everything in detail I will start by linking their channels so you guys can have access to the meta info on this, I know many people are curious about this but lack sources for legit info. Which bring us to Michael Cremo and his book, Forbidden Archeology. There are no clothing (Ill explain why later), no traces, nothing. Tartaria, mud flood, giants, star forts, atmospheric electricity, titans and titanic trees, these topics are sure to take you on trip.JonLevi Liedtke Their eyes were as large as small plates.. All world exhibitions, government buildings, carnegie libraries, San Francisco, New York, Salt Lake city, Atlanta, and so many others are remnants of this past worldwide civilization. We are discovering many truths and connecting them together here. I personally have a collection of some real crackers. Hence, the mud flood. 2. The connected rebar from the house focused the frictional heat from the rebar under stress from the structure into the chimney by way of the metal back plate. He used Great Britain and the Commonwealth to establish his dominion on Earth. We could be talking about churches, vloggers, or even video game streamers. You [], You earn more money than if you were poor. Tartarians also used large cavernous underground dugouts or basements which trapped and stored cool air. Read more here: HOME | sevenrayorder, Now the Bible is clear that God made the seven stars of Pleiades and Orion. Many have been excavated and the grandeur of these edifices is unlike anything I've ever seen. ~ CB, Staggering , Staggering yes. The Mud Flood The 7000 Year Timeline Deception The Genesis Reset 70 AD: The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach Melted Cities Cities of the Millennial Kingdom Star Forts of the Millennial Kingdom Wastleands of the Seraphim A Tale of Two Jerusalem's Calafia: Queen of California The 1893 Chicago World Fair Was a Hoax Michaelangelo the Divine The earth is covered in ancient structures and grids, we inherited all this stuff from the giants, the past has been erased and rewritten. Knowledge is Power - NWO - 5G - Agenda - Microchip - Awakening Invasion in Their Plans - Secret Technology Can Turn The Sky in a 3D Projector And We See UFOs Each Other by Sharing These Important Infos - Already Blocked in Some Countries IQ, Cancer \u0026 Health Problems From The Fluoride \u0026 Arsenic in Water, Chicken, Rice, Food Seen Through The Moon - NASA Means \"Not A Space Agency'' - The Sun Goes Around The North Pole visit my channel for more awakening videos and share them with everyone because the youtube is hidding my channel and has shadow banned it Wonder why#MudFloodTartaria#GiantSkeletonsMegaliths#natubertv However, even some cursory research into mud volcanos would reveal that they are typically small and don't cause mass destruction. . Themounds we had seen on the tablelands were the remnants of their fortresses, and the crumbling ruins that surrounded us all that remained of a mighty city. Researching the mudflood got me to a YouTube called JonLevi. THEORY, Flat Earth Evidence: The Wandering Stars are NOT the Planets. GiANTs were real. David Icke has written several books which tie in very well to this subject. Thomas says that Tartaria is a more recent version of the Rus that he has been talking about. an inferior humanity(us). Canada. FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY, FORBIDDEN HISTORY, FORBIDDEN BIBLICAL BOOKS, AND FORBIDDEN TRUTHS ARE BEING UNVEILED. The property of being physical is not an attribute occurring only in our dimension but is an attribute occurring in all dimensions. TheEpoch Timesstory printed the following"account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857:",, Innumerable moons ago, there was a race of white men, ten feet high, and far more rich and powerful than any white people now living, who inhabited a large range of country, extending from the rising to the setting sun. Many believe this story of Gilgamesh to be true and has all to do with the giants of the days of Noah and the mingling of seeds and beasts. is a post reset document. Cushman said Nahullo came to be used to describe all white people, but it originally referred specifically to a giant white race with whom the Choctaw came into contact when they first crossed the Mississippi River. The giant Potsdam armies of the 1700's in Prussia. Thanks again. During the summer, the homeowner would open the upper portion of the chimney. Science, medicine, religion, and the media are all to dumb us down and control us. There is enough evidence in the following two videos alone to enable anyone to connect enough dots to see what happened and why. I am not a legal expert. the history of the Peacock Angel as told by the Yezidis, the People of the Peacock Angel, is the origin of man as the Peacock deity was an angel who became King of the World. From 7,000 years ago to the 1900s, Tartarian people mined Keweenaw copper at Michigan, US, to provide raw material for domes and coils throughout the world.,_1878.jpg, And here are 200 old photos released in 2018, The white city chicago columbian exhibition 1906 Tartarian Mudflood Reset Watch on The Tartarians (or Tartars) were the indigenous people (quite possibly founded by Noah's sons) making up the world renowned Tartarian empire. The sheer greed and ruthlessness is staggering. The Tartarians were a tall people, averaging some eight to twelve feet in height. You affiliate yourself with a group of attention seeking unemployed school dropouts. Tartarians used ingenious methods in capturing, storing, and releasing the earths natural energy. Michael Cremo in his fascinating book on his research called Forbidden Archeology uncovers many of the hidden findings that scientists and archeology systems keep hidden from the public. I am not a political expert. A bathroom in a Tartarian home or building did not contain a toilet as our bathrooms do today. The aetheric powered rebar itself would protrude into rooms throughout the home with gaseous bulbs connected to the ends of the rebar. I do not advocate the millions of years ago scientific theories, but more so advocate preflood archeology. The MIC had already identified the emerging threat of supersized adversaries. Thank you so much for digging up this information!! Chief Rolling Thunder of the Comanches, a tribe from the Great Plains, gave the following account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857: "Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country, extending from the rising . Those cities and towns that were partially buried constituted the worldwide advanced civilization called Tartaria, which had free wireless energy and was populated (at least in part ) by giants. Thank you. I do know that no mention of this was in my history books throughout my education; no mention of Tartaria, giants, mud floods, star forts, electromagnetic energy from the ethers for power, electric cars, depopulation or repopulation. Edit 2: Added native american stories that explain the advanced civilization of giants and the buried cities in america before Europeans arrived. Bonnie is a shy girl living in an orphanage. We all missed it. There are five conceptualized theories as to what the original purpose was of the Tartarian fireplaces and chimneys. Research Cahokia in Illinois, the place with the mounds that they would find giant skeletons in then the Smithsonian hoards them. It can well tie back into the time of Gilgamesh which many are now connecting to the giant races before the flood. Higher dimension properties are mirrored in lower dimensions. Our history starts not 6,000 years ago. Worlds Beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Universe, earth as a continual plane. , I would agree with you we have massive lands past the outermost north &south. The last time this In my book The Spear of Destiny- The Journey Begins and its sequel (especially) the Spear of Destiny II The Journey Continues, I show the underground tunnels in Cappodociaand how they hid the first followers of the way underground during scurges, because historically THEY DID. He mentioned Martin Liedtke from his youtube channel and he bacame one of my favorite researchers. do not match with the stories of old concerning Tartarus the underworld.and they do not match with the story of Gilgamesh of which concerns the underground world and other odd and unexplainable eventsthat come into a focus with the preflood era that Enoch spoke about. The frictional heat that the connected rebar was under due to tensional stress from the house would begin to radiate up and out of the chimney. And now, if you will have it, the secrets behind the illusion and propaganda. The religionists used the Mud Flood deluge and how it wiped out the Tartarian Empire to confuse the populous into thinking they would join those in the underworld if they challenged the religious authority. These are really cool videos; pictures of beautiful buildings from the past. How relevant is this do you think with our next great reset, covid , vaccine: intentions of reducing the population yet again. So that area can be an in home office or if you have employees working for you then an out of home office. The mass disappearance of people and animals wasnt from aliens or from a bearded bread and fish multiplier, but rather from an ancient technology used to deconstruct molecules affected by whatever frequency the weapon was tuned to affect. into the pit for a thousand years, so that we will be deceived no more, and a new Tartarian golden age will follow, and humanity will heal and blossom and finally reach The world revolves around you. Alternative history for those with an open mind and sense of wonder, I disagree with you that we will not see a new life for humanity with inventions that have been surpressed, but i can understand why you would think we do not stand a chance. ITS happening. Source: I made it the fuck up Reply These giants are humans just like us but much larger or taller -some 12 to 14 feet high. He is amazing with maps, world exhibitions, the grids, and the fake narrative of America's cities. Subscribe and ask questions. A relatively new community of mud flood and Tartaria enthusiasts have gathered online to share research findings from an array of sources, and share information that does not fit the official historical narrative in some capacity. By who? This ionized air coupled with the rising and falling of hot and cold air currents created a pressurized electric vacuum inside of the chimney. His channel was hacked and lost hundreds of hours of streams and the videos/comments. Now the most powerful energy vortexes on the earth are in the USA in Arizona where the Hopi were/are in the Grand Canyon area and Sedona. DelhiPlanet.,, I also have a feeling that there are locations on this planet not discovered at the moment, and that this Earth is much bigger than we know. They probably built many of the huge buildings around the world that are too large for today's humans. Recently I have stumbled more and more websites and videos telling about giants and more recently so called titans. This video contain many (327) unbelievable photos from our past so you can see and learn about the mud flood, the tartaria, the giants, giant books, the titans, titan skeletons, giant people, megaliths, titan foot prints, tartarian technology and more. with its free energy and beautiful buildings. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a problem on my end? In some videos we have seen giants that appear to have been turned to stone. The Sun. The things that make you go hmmm? are filled with poisons. The metal back plating found inside of the fireplace and chimney was connected to the rebar, upper tower dome, and outside metal poles which concentrated the power of the aether and focused that free energy onto the metal back plate inside of the chimney which ionized the air inside of the chimney. Scan this QR code to download the app now,,,,,,_1878.jpg,,, It supports their spinning globe universe complete with their claims that The Aliens are coming and they were here before concept, in which they created in order to bring Lucifer out into the light. Statures are diminishing after each deluge and with each new astrological age we enter. She just turned 18 years old and must marry a man and produce children. Was there Continue reading Petrified titans, giants and huge ancient trees You can buy anything you want. We all discuss connections to what we learn and a lot of great info came from comments and chat. So stay tuned. Thats right you 6,000 year creation nut jobsthe rapture / catching away / snatching away already happened and only just recently happened, having to of occurred only a few hundred years ago. In the case of the Tartarians the EMVF weapon was tuned for life such as iron molecules. The epic Mud Flood is a term that is coined to the event which occurred only a few hundred years ago during the end of the reign of the Tartarian Empire. Since the The Tartarians quite possibly had a completely altered digestion system than the one we now have, they had no need for toilets in their bathrooms. Their Roman/Gothic esque style architecture can still be found in the current guise as water ducts, city halls, banks, water stations, cathedrals, churches, hospitals and similar public and city works type buildings. Quite a lot of superstition, wouldnt you say? I like to play hard to get, and so, you will have to try your best and find me. You had to sail around south america to make it to the west other than that. Chimneys were not used to route smoke from the fireplace and outside of the home; and rebar in the structure of the home was not primarily used to provide any structural support. Nor do I think he was on Air Force One or in a submarine. What the people running this planet have done to maintain their iron grip over the population is shocking, and the evidence in the videos below may render you verklempt, as I was. One of these methods included heat exchangers that are so often found on top of or connected to Tartarian homes and buildings. Similar to how spiders are able to grow and survive without food and water so long as they are touching their web, the Tartarians were able to grow and survive without food and water so long as they stayed inside of their aetheric energized home. The Tartarian Empire was something very different to the typical war-like primitives portrayed in the 1st video (which you can still find on Youtube). The original first floor becomes the basement and the window placement doesn't make logical sense until you consider that, always the same architecture worldwide. We go about our day and experience, we sleep to process our experiences we accumulated during that day, and wake up the next day to accumulate experiences again. Take care. Ive thought it was because that open plain had more significance due to the Star Fort ruins than the town did, that far away? Imagine a roof mounted glass dome, box, pole, column, etc Depending on the size of the room, home, or building that you would want to be heated would determine how big or small a heat exchanger would be required. The aetheric ionized energy contained inside of the chimney would ionize the gasses contained inside of the portable bulb. The all encompassing aether in our dimension is the mirror equivalent to the perfect energy state outside of the space time continuum. Real Footage of The Moon by NaTuber Tv Is Happening 24/7 - Artificial Chemical Clouds - Chemtrails Everywhere Real Hexagonal Sun With Strange Anomalies Layers of Clouds Are Moving In Different Directions at Same Time - The Hexagonal Sun Reality of Our World - Rockets, Space, Satellites, Astronauts, NASA, Elon Musk, SpaceX, Falcon 9 Key to Understand The Voluntary Consent in The Land of The Fee \u0026 The Home of The Slave you anyone's slave? Youre inconsiderate. These fireplaces were used as a type of bragging rights by revealing the intricate architecture of the homeowners taste to visiting guests and relatives. They were all taken at once (Through a mass alien abduction quite possibly). The information presented on is not health, nutrition, or fitness advice. Be as critical of old photos as you would new ones. You []. This sub is an open forum for collaborative discussion of all topics "Tartaria" related, including Mud Flood, Tesla, AntiquiTech, Free Energy, Conspiracies, Hidden History, etc. I see you already have a picture of Fort Union in NM, but you didnt say where is was to give folks the idea of how far west these things went. In the 1800 a mud flood in which several meters of mud washed in and buried the ground levels of houses and buildings everywhere. According to The Order and Mystery School of the Seven Rays, (now where have I heard about the seven rays lately?) Among the other, you will understand that the creators of this place that we call Earth, they have shrink us many times over the years. Legends that even the Summerians date back preflood. You will see air ships and electric cars. Look up every fair around the world, they systematically destroyed the evidence of the ancient cities. The aether is thought to be the very fabric of the space time continuum that some would associate with electrons, the wind, the holy spirit, the atmosphere, and the gasses in the atmosphere such as oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Are evil lying ts, basically. I missed it. Designed by visionary illuminist architects and based on knowledge of the occult wisdom, Masonic geometry and sacred numerology, this Architectural Colossus can be traced back to the antiquities of Mystery Babylon. Rebecca came to TUC during the summer of 2021 after following the breadcrumb trail from Rob Skiba and Nephelim research and soon thereafter began following the Torah. That costs money. We live our life and experience, we pass away and join the perfect energy state to process our accumulated life experiences, and our soul (which is simply the combination of our consciousness and memory) reincarnates into another body back on the Earth to accumulate experiences again. If the Earth is in the same astrological age as by the time we are ready to reincarnate, then we will reincarnate into our previous life and keep reliving that particular life until the Earth enters a new astrological age. Photos of other people affected with gigantism are also shown, always old black and white photos. The mud flood wasnt a mud flood and it wasnt Noahs Flood. People later found and dug out the buildings, sometimes leaving entire floors uncovered beneath the ground, resulting in windows and doors partially visible in some instances.